chapter twenty-five

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**IMPORTANT** So my brilliant self just realized that I hadn't copied the entire chapter of 21 when pasting it into a Wattpad draft. There were a few sentences I missed, so I'm posting them here just so there's no confusion with this chapter. I apologize for this mistake, and I wish I would've caught it sooner. Chapter 21 is where Evelyn started teaching Harry to write, by the way. Here are the sentences that are very important: 

She does see Nick, though, rising in the dead of night from his makeshift bed against a tree. He doesn't notice she's awake as he gathers his things and a few cans of the food from Evelyn's pack that she emptied out. He looks around the camp once, then disappears in the trees.

In the morning, no one asks about his disappearance because everyone understands there's less guilt when you're only responsible for yourself.

Those sentences are now in the chapter if you want to reread a bit, but Nick leaving is sort of important and I could slap myself for somehow missing that bit. Anyways, sorry to interrupt the chapter, but I hope you understand why! Now, carry on and enjoy :D xx



THE GIRL ISN'T DEAD. She appeared to be at first, but a closer, desperate look shows her chest barely yet hastily rising and falling. Her right leg is caught under a shelf, bent at an awkward angle that can only mean it's broken. Her shirt is ripped down the side, but there are no visible wounds, no evident spot of her bleeding. There is blood all over the floor, though. Blood that does not belong to a single person but dozens. Blood that sticks to Evelyn's shoes and her clothes and gives off an eerie red glow around them.

One of the boys is limping, but Evelyn can't tell if he had the issue before or after the fight. His bleach-blonde hair sticks greasily to his forehead, either from sweat or lack of bathing she can't decipher, and she doesn't try to. Thick, dark eyebrows contrast the brightness of his head, along with brown eyes that glint angrily. He meets Evelyn's gaze for all of a split second, then yanks his chin in the direction of the girl and continues briskly striding over to her.

The other boy is much plainer and not quite as distinct. Typical brown hair and brown eyes with a nose a bit too big for his face yet it's oddly proportioned with plump lips and a pointy chin. He's been sitting in a corner in front of the register counter ever since he realized there were no more beasts to fight, staring at a spot on the wall that's ever so interesting.

Evelyn hadn't planned for the moment after the fight. If she's truthful, she hadn't expected there to even be a moment. When Harry said more beasts were on the way, she hadn't much hope for a win. Yet here all of them are, exchanging uncomfortable glances, scratching the backs of their necks simply for the excuse to move. Harry is the first to catch Evelyn's attention, and as if to emphasize the hesitant look in his eyes, he takes a step back from the girl.

Even though he's already on the other side of the store.

She rolls her eyes, but clears her throat and straightens her spine, trying to appear as strong as she wishes she were. The illusion is easy to conjure with the pints of blood drenching her clothes and her dagger still firm in her hand, hanging by her side while red steadily drips from its tip. She wishes she were the fearless girl she tries so hard to be, but she doesn't wish to be the girl standing in the gas station right now.

An actual bloody mess.

Bleach-blonde boy peers up at her while he hovers his friend, his eyes narrowing into slits. She braces herself for a snarky remark, because he has that expression that says he's about to say something bitter simply to avoid giving gratitude. It's the expression she practically always wears, and the expression she would have if their roles were switched.

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