chapter thirty-two

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(Alex Roe as Erik above. also, expect a few more chapters until the epilogue. it's all winding up for the sequel *wink wink* thank you for your support xx)


ERIK HAWKINS IS A broad-shouldered man with the posture of a military lieutenant yet has a soft face with blue eyes and light brown hair. He's staring at Evelyn as intensely as she's staring at him, both mentally battling who's stronger. Neither of their eyes waver, neither of their fingers twitch, neither look away.

While still holding her gaze, he rubs the light scruff on his chin and says, "You got here yesterday and you've already broken conduct."

She straightens. "So did your dogs you call men."

"You broke Mike's nose."

"He deserved it."

He cocks an eyebrow. "He was saving food rations."

She clenches her jaw. "He was refusing to give us an extra granola bar for an eight year old, then he made sexist remarks and my fist just so happened to find his face."

There's a sparkle of amusement in his eyes. He's the first to break their contest, looking down as he tries to fight a smile. When he peers back up, he's all business again. "I don't approve of derogatory remarks, and I will talk to Mike about that. However, you still broke his nose." He emphasizes the words as if Evelyn is a child who doesn't understand the damage she's caused. She understands perfectly well, and she won't apologize for it.

"So now what? Are you going to kick us out?"

"Of course not. I'm not that bad of a person. But you do have clean-up duty for the next week."

She gapes at him. "Excuse me?"

"You heard right. I expect the kitchen to be spotless after breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I expect any litter on the ground to be thrown away. I expect the latrine to--"

"I'm not a servant," she hisses, narrowing her eyes. "And if you think I'm going anywhere near other people's feces, you're a lot stupider than I first thought."

Erik sighs, rubbing his forehead. "I have to keep the order in this camp, and part of that order is consequences for those who don't follow the rules. You don't have to like it, but quite frankly you don't have a choice in the matter."

"Come on," she grumbles, crossing her arms across her chest. "At least give me something better to do with my time. I can help patrol the gates or be in a scouting crew or--"

He cuts her off with a short laugh. "The only females on both of those teams are twice your size, and there's only a handful."

"So? Judging by appearances has never worked out for anyone."

"I appreciate your offer but--"

"Oh stop acting like you're the perfect leader with your formal language and degrading comments," she snaps. "I'd rather be kicked out as opposed to mopping the floors and cleaning up after grown men. Give me something worth it."

Again, they're back to competing by glares.

After a long few moments, Erik runs a hand through his hair with a heavy sigh. "Fine," he says reluctantly. "I'll start you off as a patrol. It's more brain-numbing than cleaning toilets, though. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Evelyn smirks triumphantly. "At least a patrol can keep their dignity."

He actually smiles. "You got me there."

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