chapter one

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THE WORLD IS DESTROYED. Flipped upside down completely. Evil lurks around every corner, danger is practically inescapable, and the humans can't unite. Some made their own groups when the war spread, but they trusted no one else to join. Everyone is untrustworthy. You never know if someone has good intentions or bad. If they're helping the friend or enemy.

Evelyn Baxter is one who stayed solo. There wasn't much hope for her when she had watched the beasts slaughter her family, but her mother had caught her peeking around the corner and mouthed to her to run. Evelyn hadn't at first; her feet had been glued to the floor. Then her mother didn't care about being quiet and she'd screamed at the top of her lungs for Evelyn to leave, to survive, to stay strong.

Evelyn ran half the day then just to get one of the beasts who had seen her off her trail. And even after a small break, she ran some more.

Now she kills any she crosses and she does so with no remorse.

Mostly, though, she scavenges for food and better shelter and water. Always water. Preferably clean, however, that's getting harder to come by. She never stays in one location more than a few days. If she hears the slightest of noises, she sets off again no matter how long her stay had been.

She tries to find books, too. There's not much to do in a run-down chaotic world when you're trying to keep out of trouble. When she finishes a book, unfortunately she has to leave it behind or her pack gets too heavy. Currently, she has three hardbacks, one paperback, and the rest of the space and pockets are filled with protein bars, other small snacks, and a canteen of water.

She found an apple the other day hanging from a tree. Just one. It was ripe and looked juicy. She had snatched it down and cleaned it on her semi-clean shirt. (She tries to wash her clothes and bathe whenever she can, but clean bodies of water are slim.) She took a bite and was tempted to save it because of how refreshing and sweet it was. She couldn't help but bite into it again, and before she realized it she'd eaten the whole thing, nearly through the core.

Her camp was attacked last night. A single beast, but a beast nonetheless. It was quick business and he was out as soon as he came in, but this meant Evelyn had to pack up and get moving. If there was one around, there was bound to be others and she didn't want to stick around for unfriendly meetings.

She snorts as she thinks about holding a conversation with one:

"Hey, we can be friends, right? You don't have to eat my throat out, you know."

"Oh, yeah, totally. We can be friends. I'm a vegetarian, anyways."

As if that would ever happen.

Twigs and leaves crunch under her boots. She doesn't know why she finds the sound relaxing when it could mean she has followers.

Stopping for a quick moment, she pulls out a map she discovered at an abandoned convenience store. (Everything is abandoned, really. Except the areas where certain groups have claimed, but she makes sure to steer clear of them.) She squints, holding it up to the sky. She has no experience reading maps, and she can't decide where to go. She's never had an actual route before. She just wanders and ends up places. Where is she to go? There's no one left for her. There's hardly anyone left at all that stayed sane after the attacks.

She chews the inside of her cheek. She hasn't strayed far from home, but maybe she should. Maybe it's better in other states. Florida, with it's mass of tourists, was like a candy store for all the beasts when they were first unleashed. They flocked here like a bunch of excited, ravenous children.

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