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I watched Sherri as she went into the studio and I took a deep breath before I got out of my car. I walked into the studio and saw Maia and Sherri talking. I walked over to them and as I was walking, I noticed that Sherri looks really upset. I wrapped my arms around her waist as I approached them and I leaned my chin on her shoulder. "Oh, Teri." She said, quietly and turned around in my arms. She hugged me tight and buried her face in the crook of my neck. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at Maia. She frowned and shook her head gently before walking away. "Hey, love, are you crying?" I asked, quietly. She just hugged me tighter. "Come on. Let's go to the bathroom." I said. She nodded and pulled away, tears streaking her cheeks. I grabbed her hand before we walked to the bathroom and went in. I locked the door behind us and she leaned against the wall. I walked over and leaned against the opposite wall, watching her. "W-we were fighting again." She mumbled. "Oh, love." I said and pushed off the wall. I pulled her into my arms and she lost it. I rubbed her back soothingly and held her tight in my arms. Since we started the show in 2013 and Sherri and I started getting closer, I've practically fallen in love with her. And I never knew true love could happen like this. She's married, for Christ's sake. But her and i.. We click. She's made me feel true love. We have true love. Even if she is married. But Kamar's a damn fool for making my baby cry. "Sherri baby, this is the fourth time this week you've come to work crying because of Kamar." I said, holding her close. "H-he got mad at me for miscarrying." She sobbed. My jaw dropped and my heart shattered. "Oh, my love. I.. I didn't know you miscarried." I whispered, tears welling up in my eyes. "I just found out yesterday." She said, quietly. I kissed her head and pulled away. "Stay here baby. I'll be right back. Okay?" I said. She nodded and I left the bathroom, wiping my tears away. I walked to Peter's office and I knocked on his door. He shouted 'come in' and I opened the door to see both him and Bradley. "H-hey guys. Uh.. Can I talk to you?" I asked. "What's wrong, Teri?" Peter asked, concerned. "Um... Sherri came in this morning crying. And I went to comfort her and she told me she miscarried." I said, my voice cracking. Both of their faces twisted in sadness and I looked away. "I.. I was just wondering if it would be possible to push back shooting like 20 minutes?" I asked. They both nodded. "Yeah. Of course. Tell her to take as long as she needs." Bradley said. I nodded and left the office, going back to the bathroom. I pushed open the door and closed it after I stepped in. "I.. I know it wasn't my place. But I told Bradley and Peter. They said to take as long as you-" I started but I was cut off by a soft kiss to my lips. Sherri pulled away and my eyes were wide. "Thank you." She said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it. "I mean it. Thank you. For everything. You... You make me feel okay and that's... All I've ever hoped for.." She mumbled. I smiled weakly before pulling the beautiful woman into my arms.

I know what I want
I know what I want
I want a long life, all kidding aside
the rules are the same
as they always were
present's a thought
and a piece of mind
and i want my girl in my arms when I sleep
breathing in her dreams
near the air I breathe
and I wanna dream

right down to the minute
right down to the second
I can feel my every breath unfold
right down to the minute
right down to the second
I'm down to the seconds

steady little boat
steady little boat
take me to the shore
take me to the shore
take me back home all the way to where I'm from
to the banks of the Illinois
show me the house I was raised in
and the woods where I used to play
steady little boat
take me home cause I'm far away

right down to the minute
right down to the second
I can feel my every breath unfold
right down to the minute
right down to the second

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