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My love, my love
Where've you gone?
I turned around and now
I'm alone
Will I ever understand it?
Will I make it to the other side?
I almost died
The day I lost you

I'll keep breathing
I'll keep breathing
I'll keep breathing
Til my heart stops
Til my heart stops

I can't, I can't
Find a thing
A single part of you and me
Will I ever understand it?
Will I make it to the other side?
I almost died
The day I lost you

I'll keep breathing
I'll keep breathing
I'll keep breathing
Til my heart stops
Til my heart stops

I'll keep breathing
I'll keep breathing
I'll keep breathing
Til my heart stops
Til my heart stops

It's gone, It's gone
It's never coming back
It's gone, It's gone
It's never, never, never
Coming back

I'll keep breathing
I'll keep breathing
I'll keep breathing
Til my heart stops...

I took a deep breath as my makeup artist finished for my interview. Sherri, Maia and I are doing an interview today with a BuzzFeed journalist. Todays a Monday. March 16th. It's been 2 months since I found out Kamar was cheating on Sherri. I still haven't been able to tell her. They've been fighting a lot and she's been spending a lot of time with me and staying at my house a lot. I have to tell her. I have to. I just haven't been able to yet. "Teri!" I jumped as someone yelled my name. I looked in the mirror to see the makeup artist looking annoyed. "I uh.. I'm sorry. W-what did you ask?" I asked, embarrassed. She smiled a little and shook her head. "I said Sherri and Maia are waiting for you outside. Are you alright?" She asked. I nodded and got up before taking a deep breath. "You sure? You were pretty deep in thought." She said. I nodded. "Yeah I just... How do you tell someone you love, something that's going to really hurt them?" I asked, my voice smaller than it's ever been. She frowned. "You just have to be really careful. And tread lightly." She said. I nodded and walked towards the door and took a deep breath. I opened the door and Sherri immediately smiled. I left the room and closed the door behind me. "You alright, love?" Sherri asked. I nodded and we walked to the studio where we're doing our interview. "Uh, Maia why don't you go on in. We'll be right there." Sherri said. Maia nodded and went into the studio. "What's going on with you?" Sherri asked and cupped my cheeks in her hands. I shook my head and she frowned. "You know if there is anything wrong. You can tell me." She said. I nodded and she sighed before we went in. "Hey! There are our favorite mamas!" A blonde woman shouted. Sherri and I smiled and walked over. "I'm Kristin and this is Arielle." She said, motioning to the brunette beside her. We shook their hands and they smiled as we sat down. "So, let's get started with fan questions." Kristin asked. We all nodded. "What was the most emotional or hardest episode you guys have shot thus far?" She asked. "It's different for everybody, but for me it was the mother episode when Lena loses the baby." Sherri said. "I gotta be honest, I think more for me was "I Do" because that was when I told Frank that I didn't want him to come to the wedding. I don't know, somehow that was easier for me to deal with than him kicking off, 'Eh, whatever, he's dead.'" I said and laughed a little. "It was the episode where we were at Frank's funeral and I have to have all of these flashbacks of my mother's funeral and then Teri hugs me and I lost my mind. That was probably the hardest one for me." Maia said. I nodded. "Yeah, I'll never forget telling you while we were doing the taping I said, 'What would your mom do? Tell me about Jill, tell me about your mom.' And I kept poking her and poking her." I said, smiling. "So really, she's the talented one." She said. "No, I'm just the pain in the ass." I said and laughed.

"Can we expect more fun, loving, somewhat intimate interactions between Stef and Lena?" Arielle asked. I looked at Sherri and smiled. "I hope so!" She said, excitedly. "Haven't you seen her naked enough?" I asked, jokingly. We all laughed. "The fans sometimes get a little upset that we tend to argue, but you know people argue in real life, and then they come back and they get in bed and they argue again." Sherri said. I nodded. "We don't really argue any more than normal and they're not really arguments, they're figuring things out. They communicate, they do agree to disagree, and they talk things out, and it's life." I said. "Fighting is like, 'You're a jerk! *slams door*'" Sherri said. I nodded. "Yeah. And we try to tell the fans, it's just life guys, come on! But yeah there's always a balance. there's gonna be lovey dovies and kind of just chillaxin' and there's gonna be we agree to disagree." I said. Sherri nodded again.

"Teri and Sherri: On Twitter you guys have a close relationship, is that because of The Fosters, or have you been friends for a long time?" Kristin asked. I smiled. "I met Teri at the audition." Sherri said. I nodded. "You should tell that story." Maia said. Sherri and I both smiled. "Sherri, when you first meet her, is very quiet. Not so much anymore. And she's drop-dead gorgeous and when I walked in I thought she was a bit of a snob! But then they were like, 'Teri, Sherri. Sherri, Teri.' And I was like, Wow, I'll play a lesbian! Because I mean, come on!" I said, laughing. "I come off like a snob?! That hurts my feelings!" Sherri said, pouting. "Aw! I didn't mean it that way! No, it's not that you come off as a snob, you're unapproachable! You're so beautiful and amazing and unapproachable not goofy like me! I was intimidated by you!" I said and she smiled.

By the end of the interview, we were all laughing together. I smiled as we finished up and left the main studio room. "That was so fun!" Maia said. Sherri and I both nodded. "Alright. I'm meeting Cierra to catch a movie. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Maia said, leaving. "You wanna hang out?" Sherri asked. I nodded. "Come on Mama." I said. She smiled and we left the studio. Sherri and I came together. I drove. We got in my jeep and she smiled. "Wanna just go back to my place and watch Netflix?" I asked. She nodded. I smiled and turned the car on. Starman by David Bowie is playing. I sang along, rather loudly, as i drove towards my house. Sherri laughed at my singing and I smiled through it.

When we got to my house, I parked in the garage and we went in. It's almost noon. You have to tell her. Don't keep it from her anymore. I felt my breathing hitch as she walked to the living room and I just stood there and closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and then another, trying to keep myself calm. I opened my eyes and jumped and screamed a little, seeing Sherri right in front of me. "Holy shit Sherri." I mumbled and put my hand over my racing heart. She frowned. "What's wrong? You're not acting right." She said. I shook my head and gave her a fake smile. "You're not acting like my Teri Polo." She said, pouting. I looked away and then looked back at her. I took her hands in mine and brought her left hand to my lips, kissing her knuckles and taking a second to thumb at her wedding and engagement rings. I frowned and looked back at her. She smiled and I did the same. "Come on kid. Let's watch a movie and order pizza."
I said. She nodded and we went to the living room. We both sat down on the couch and she leaned her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and ran my fingers through her hair. "I like this. Just you and me." She said, putting her feet up beside her on the couch. I smiled. "Me too, kid." I said and kissed her head. I grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. "What do you wanna watch?" I asked, playing with a piece of her hair. "Mm. We could watch Meet The Parents. I heard there's a really sexy blonde in it." She said, seductively. I smirked. "Is that right?" I asked, tangling her hair around my finger. "Mhmmmm." She hummed and I chuckled. "Can we watch An Affair To Remember?" She asked. I smiled and picked it from my log. The beginning of the movie started and she pulled a blanket over us. I smiled brighter and she hummed happily.

"I should probably get going." Sherri mumbled. I looked down at her and frowned. She's laying across the couch with her head in my lap and the blanket over her. "You should stay here. I like this." I said. She sighed. "I know. But Kamar's home and it's almost ten o'clock." She said. I frowned. "He'll be okay." I said. She sighed again. "I really should go. He's really trying to be better." She said and that made anger grow in the pit of my stomach. She started to get up and I couldn't move. She started to leave the room and I took a deep breath. "He's cheating on you."

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