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"I should probably get going." Sherri mumbled. I looked down at her and frowned. She's laying across the couch with her head in my lap and the blanket over her. "You should stay here. I like this." I said. She sighed. "I know. But Kamar's home and it's almost ten o'clock." She said. I frowned. "He'll be okay." I said. She sighed again. "I really should go. He's really trying to be better." She said and that made anger grow in the pit of my stomach. She started to get up and I couldn't move. She started to leave the room and I took a deep breath. "He's cheating on you."

"H-he what?" She asked and turned around. She had tears in her eyes and I could see her shaking. I stood up and walked over to her, stopping a few inches away. "I.. I wanted to tell you as soon as I found out. I just.. I couldn-" "when did you find out." She asked angrily, cutting me off. I bit my lip and looked away. "Teri." She said, sternly. "I... I found out the day we were shooting Wreckage.." I mumbled. "Two months ago? You found out two fucking months ago and you couldn't tell me?!" She shouted, tears falling down her cheeks. I felt my own tears welling up and I took a deep breath. "I wanted to, Sherri. I did. I just knew it would break your-" "it's not your job to protect me from him, Teri! That's not your job! You should've told me as soon as you found out!" She shouted. "I'm not the bad guy here! I didn't cheat on you!" I shouted back. "But you kept it from me. For two months." She spit and left, slamming the door behind her. I closed my eyes and the tears fell down my cheeks.

It seems just like yesterday
That you were begging me to stay
I thought I knew what I wanted
Should have known it was you

Life's been pretty good these days
I've learned to live with your mistakes
I always knew what I wanted
All I wanted was you

It's good to hear your voice
And by the way

I can't get you out of my head
Still sleeping on my side of this bed
And I can't shake this feeling
It won't stop till my heart stops beating

The fall came way too fast this year
And it's way too cold without you here
I wish you knew what you wanted
When you didn't want me

I've been on the road for the past two months
Thinking about you just a little too much
Now I know what I want
And all I want is you

I can't get you out of my head
Still sleeping on my side of this bed
And I could shake this feeling
It won't stop till my heart stops beating

I take back all those things I said
If you mean it then we'll drop it
And we'll look ahead
Let's get back to that old feeling
And don't stop till our hearts stop

Take me over
Hold me, I'm yours
What are we waiting for?
Can we just let go?
Let's let go

Let's not shake this feeling
And don't stop
Don't stop

I can't get you out of my head
Still sleeping on my side of this bed
And I can't shake this feeling
It won't stop till my heart stops beating

I take back all those things I said
If you mean it then we'll drop it
And we'll look ahead
Let's get back to that old feeling
And don't stop till our hearts stop

"Hey Teri." David said and walked over to me. "Hey." I said and we walked toward the room where we're doing our table read. We had a week off from filming. It's been a wink since the interview and I haven't seen Sherri at all. She wouldn't answer my texts or calls. We went in and I looked around, but didn't see Sherri. "You uh.. You seen Sherri?" I asked and looked at David. He shook his head. I frowned and went to sit down by Cierra on the far side of the room. There's a window in here that shows the parking lot. I looked out of it and saw Sherri and Kamar by his car. They look like they're fighting. He took a step towards her and I tensed up. The whole room is watching. He slapped her and pushed her against the car and I shot out of my seat. "Shit." I mumbled and ran down the hall. I ran out of the building to see Kamar screaming in Sherri's face and pinning her against the car. "Get the fuck off of her!" I shouted as he hit her again. I ran over and pushed him off of her and to the ground. I pulled her into my arms and she tightened her arms around me, almost painfully tight. I held onto her as she cried into the crook of my shoulder. "Shh. Shh baby it's okay." I whispered and kissed her head 3 times. "You come near my woman one more time, it'll be the last thing you do." I snarled toward Kamar who was getting up. I pulled Sherri to the door and he sped off. "Are you okay?" I whispered. She nodded. "I'm sorry. I know you don't want me to prot-" She cut me off by pulling me into a passionate kiss.

You are the icing on my cake,
You are the smile I can't replace,
You are, you are,
The way you smile, the way you laugh,
The way I can't help but catch your joy.
Your joy,
Metaphorically, this song just says one thing,
I love you, that's what I'm telling you,
Oh, and there's no irony because I say what I mean,
I love you, I love you,
You are the minutes of my time,
You're inspiration to this rhyme,
You are, you are.
You are the apple of my eye,
The sweet sunshine in the sky,
You are, you are,
Metaphorically, this song just says one thing,
I love you, that's what I'm telling you,
Oh, and there's no irony because I say what I mean,
I love you, I love you,
You are, You are, You are
La la la la la.
When cloudy days come along,
When you're not near
You hear this song and know.
Just know,
If sad times steal your joy,
Ring me up and hear my voice,
I love you's tend to mute the noise.
Metaphorically, this song just says one thing,
I love you,
That's what I'm telling you,
Oh, and there's no irony because I say what I mean,
I love you, I love you.
And metaphorically, this song just says one thing,
I love you, that's what I'm telling you,
Oh, and there's no irony because I say what I mean,
I love you, I love you.
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
La la la la la
You are, you are.
You are every bit of beautiful.
You are, you are.
You are every bit of beautiful.

I leaned against the back bumper of my jeep, waiting. It's almost 9 pm. We finished our table read around 8. Sherri said she had to do something with Peter. I told her I'd wait for her out here. I'm starting to wonder if she ditched me. But, who would she have left with? And I doubt she would just leave me. Especially when we said we were going to talk about 'us'. The studio door opened and I saw the beautiful brunette. I felt my heart flutter in my chest and I smiled. She quickly walked over and before I could say anything, she was kissing me like her life depended on it. I put my hands on her shoulders and kissed her back. It feels good kissing her, out of character. I felt her tongue on my bottom lip and i parted my lips for her. Her tongue met mine and I moaned at the feeling. Sure, we've kissed hundreds of times. Over half of them were French kisses. But French kissing her, really French kissing her, it's so amazing. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I moved my hands down to the small of her back. After a few minutes, she pulled away and leaned her forehead on mine. "Well hello to you too." I said, causing her to smile. "I just... Really wanted to do that." She mumbled. I smiled. "It's okay. I wanted you to." I said, gently. She smiled again and nodded. "I.. Uh.. Let's go talk about us." She said, smiling. I smiled and nodded before giving her a peck on the lips and pulling away from her. We both got in my jeep and put on our seat belts. I backed out of my parking spot and drove out of the parking lot.

LA traffic. My least favorite thing. It's almost 10:15 pm and we're still 45 minutes from my house. The studio is about an hour away from my place. The traffic sucks tonight.  Sherri grabbed my right hand off the steering wheel and held it against her thigh, causing me to smile. "Wanna talk now? Who knows how late we'll get home." She said and I smiled a little at her calling my house 'home'. She does have some stuff there and she's more than welcome anytime. "Sure." I said, gently and nodded. "Okay so.. I.. Obviously want to be with you. And Kamar and I... I think we're getting a divorce." She said. I nodded. "Good. Because I don't trust him. Especially not after him hitting you today." I said, frowning. She sighed and squeezed my hand. "I love you Teri." She said, quietly. I smiled. "I love you too, Sherri." I mumbled. She squeezed my hand again and the traffic finally started moving again.

We got home around midnight and I parked in the driveway. We got out and Sherri immediately grabbed my hand. "I'm so exhausted." She said, quietly. "I bet you are. Long day." I said and squeezed her hand, then found my house key on my key ring. I unlocked the door and pushed it open. We went inside and both dropped our bags by the doors. We took off our shoes and went upstairs. We both changed into pajamas before getting in my bed. "I don't want you going back there. Not alone at least." I said, gently. She nodded and we laid there for a minute. I grabbed her right hand in my left and squeezed it gently. "I love you.." She mumbled. I smiled. "I love you too." I said and we both drifted off into a peaceful sleep. I love this woman so damn much.

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