How Many Forts Can You Fit in a House?

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[Sorry for any spelling mistakes; there's probably a bunch becuase we finished writing this at quarter to one in the morning. Also just a quick note that we're following a a weird timeline, and it's late February/early March in Ouranland for this chapter.]

Sakura's POV

As we were walking out of our last period class we got glomped by Tamaki who was frantically trying to explain that music room three was under renovations for the day. He was panicking over where to hold the weekly Host Club meeting when the twins popped up.

"Why not have it at our house?" They chimed in sync, stating it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"Holy Jesus on a pita; where did you come from?" I exclaimed, in shock.

"Someone should really explain to Sakura where babies come from soon, before it becomes a problem." said Karou.

"Not my job," replied my twin. 

'Anyway,' Tamaki trailed off, trying to get us back on track ." I shall go inform everyone else."  Tamaki strut off down the hallway to find the others, and one of the twins turned towards us.

"Okay, we'll see you there. Bye!" And they pranced away down the corridor, leaving us in the middle of hallway looking like idiots.

Yuuki and I went off to our lockers to get our coats, I pulled out a pink coat and Yuuki pulled out an old sweater. "Yuuki, why did I let you wear that out of the house?"

"I say that about your clothes all the time," She shot back.

"Touche." I replied. We walked out to the parking lot, and tried to open the door to the Bumblebee. "Yuuki did you unlock the door?" I asked my twin after a few moments of tugging on the handle.

"Yeah." She replied.

"I don't think the car wants to let us in today," I said, pulling on the handle. My twin groaned.

"The doors are frozen shut. Great." Yuuki sighed. "I guess we're gonna have to walk."

"But it's cooold," I whined. 

"That's why there's snow and ice Sakura. It's called winter!" Yuuki said sarcastically. We started to walk out of the parking lot, when Tamaki's limo puled up beside us.

"Why are you walking, my little princesses? Where's your car?" Tamaki asked.

"It didn't wanna let's in," Sakura said sadly. Tamaki looked concerned.

"What do you mean, my princesses? What happened?" He asked.

"The doors are iced over; what do you think happened?" Yuuki said scathingly. 

"Well hop in my little princess... And Yuuki," Tamaki said, opening his door. We got in, and rode the rest the of the way to the Twin's house.

When we arrived, Honey-senpai bounced out the door. "Why are you with Tama-chan?"

"Because our car doesn't like us today," I answered simply. We got out of car, and were greeted by the rest of the Host Club.

"Yuuki-chan, why are you wearing a sweater? It's cold out here!" Honey-senpai asked.

"Because I sacrificed my jacket to Satan," Yuuki said with a straight-face.

" What?" The Tamaki exclaimed as Kyoya raised an eyebrow.

"I'm kidding. I just lost my coat." She laughed.

"Oh, you can just have one of our mom's coats. She's got about a million of them," Hikaru offered.

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