The Not-so-Long Awaited Yule Ball

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Yuuki's POV

The phone rang while Sakura was still up to her armpits in crinoline.

"Where are you two? We need you to finish the decorations!" Tamaki yelled into the phone, frantic. I was sprawled on the floor, still wearing my pajamas. "Tamaki, this is a Host Club function, which means that we aren't responsible for any of it."

"But you're the maids! That's your job!" He yelled again.

"No, as maids we are only responsible for putting things away, a Butler would have to prepare everything for you. Get Kyoya to do it," I laughed and then hung up.

"Kyoya is not a butler!" Sakura protested as I shimmied into my dress.

"Oh, shut up about your boyfriend," I said off-hand. Sakura blushed.

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"He is, he just doesn't know yet," I shrugged and slipped my heels on.

"Never say that around anyone. Ever," Sakura threatened as she adjusted the enormous skirt of her dress. She tied her hair into two pigtails and tied them off with black ribbons.

"Sit down; you're going to look girly for once in your life. Except for your wedding," Sakura grinned evilly, and shoved me into a chair. She started pulling on my hair, first one way, then the other, spraying it, adding product here, teasing there.

 Three hours Later

My head ached all over, and I coughed as a cloud of hairspray engulfed my face. We were late, and Tamaki was so going to kill us.

"Don't give me that look! Just look at how amazing you are!" She said, turning me around so my back was to the mirror on the wall, and handed me a hand-mirror. My hair was pulled into buns that looked like roses. They varied in size, and started on the top, on the right side of my head, and twisted down to a collection of them at the bottom on the left side. It was beautiful and insane at the same time.

"I like it," I approved as Sakura added a few pearl pins for decoration, and just in case a few of the 'problem' roses decided to fall out. Sakura gave it one last spay, and then we headed out the door.

Sakura's POV

"How dare you be late! We needed you four hours ago!" Tamaki said.

"We said we'd be here for the dance, not the rest," Yuuki said stoutly.

"Why were you so late anyway, hmm?" The twins said walking up to us. I twisted Yuuki around to show off her hair. Tamaki clapped, and even the Twins looked mildly impressed.

"You look so pretty, Yu-chan! And Saku-chan, your dress is so cute" Honey-senpai said happily, dressed in a suit and carrying Usa-chan, who was dressed in a matching tux. Haruhi poked her head out the door and motioned to me. "Kyoya wants you."

"Better go see what the Demon wants." Yuuki smiled evilly and then turned to talk to the twin she was with, I think it was Hikaru, but I wasn't sure. I slide through the door and practically stepped on Kyoya.

"Oops. Hi!" I said, Kyoya turned around his face set on the scariest glare-mode possible. I smiled at him. "What's wrong?"

"You two were supposed to be here hours ago!" He said, still glaring.

"I"m sorry it's just Yuuki's hair..." I said and then started to hyperventilate from the scariness of his glare and I toppled over. The twins walked in.

"Dude, you killed," One started

"Your girlfriend," The other finished. Yuuki joined us.

"Don't give her anything else to fangirl about," She suggested. "Also, I refuse to wear these shoes."

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