The End of The Storm is Nigh

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[Note: We have returned on a very sketchy basis. Don't except too much. There's probably a lot of spelling mistakes and typos please don't hurt us.  Much Love, AngelsxDemon]

Sakura's POV

"Mmm," I yawned. "This is a really comfy pillow."

"You like my chest then? Thank you," I heard a familliar voice say.

"Pillows don't talk.." I said suspiciously. 

"Good thing I"m not a pillow," The voice said again. I opened my eyes. Oh; it was just Kyoya.

"Good morning. Are you finally awake now?" He asked.

"Huh?" I said.

"You've woken up several times, mumbled at me, and went back to sleep," He explained.

"Ladies don't mumble. And I'm a lady," I mumbled into his chest, too lazy to move. I mean, he's comfy and warm.

"You aren't awake yet, are you?" Kyoya asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm perfectly awake..." I said, and then immediately fell back to sleep. 

Yuuki's POV

I rolled over and groaned. It was way too early for the sun to be up, yet there it was, staring me in the face. I knew I wasn't getting back to sleep, so I sat up and opened my eyes properly. Something seemed to be missing in the room, but I couldn't quite place it. I shrugged and swung my legs over the edge of the bed and stood up.

On something squishy and loud. I looked down and saw the thing that had been missing. Hikarou.

"You mind stepping off me?" He gasped. I stepped off of him and started laughing. Hikarou looked very unimpressed as he laid on the floor.

"So, uh, why are you on the floor?" I asked conversationally. 

"Well, there's this small ginger and when she's asleep, for some reason she expands," Hikarou said with raised eyebrows.

"Oh yeah, that sounds about right. But why was Sakura in your bed?" I said sarcastically.

"You have a real comedic wit there. Would you help me up now?"  I reached a hand down to help him up, but instead of me pulling him up, he pulled me down to the floor.

"Ow!"  I said, and pouted. "That wasn't very nice."

"I never said I was going to be nice," He smirked.

"What's that face for, punk?" I said, trying to sound intimidating. Instead of replying, Hikarou kissed me.

"What was that for?" I asked, confused.

"I thought it would be fun," He said with a shrug

"You slammed me into the floor."

"I thought I was being spontaneous."

"Next time be spontaneous vertically, please," I said. I kissed him on the cheek and then sat up. "Okay can we go to breakfast now because I'm starving?"

"You sure know how to ruin a moment, Yuuki," Hikarou laughed and sat up. "Yeah, okay, let's go downstairs."

Sakura's POV

I rolled over and yawned. 

"I'm cold... where'd my heater go?" I grumbled. I opened eyes to look for Kyoya, but I couldn't find him. Then I saw something moving on the other side of the fort and I squinted at it to see what it was.

It was Kyoya.

And his laptop.

"Kyoya?" I said.

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