Chapter 4

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The grass fluttered weightlessly under the wind that was blowing over the valley.

Leaves stirred, dancing across the grass, meeting it with a vengeance as the whipped up into the air, and took off faster then the fastest stallion could run.

Faith watched the act nervously, shifting from foot to foot as she stared up at the quickly darkening sky.

Her father walked slowly beside her, and neighed, sharing her worry.

With a sigh, Faith lowered her head, and walked forward, trying to find a patch of grass that wasn't flying back and forth.

Everything seemed to be calm for about a couple seconds, before the storm started, this time, it really started.

The wind picked up faster then ever, making it hard for someone to think straight. The rain began pounding down, blinding the sighted horses. Thunder crashed in the distance as the lighting continued one after another.

Faith barely hard her father's desperate cry as she took off at a gallop through the pounding rain.

Fighting against the rain was hard for a normal horse, let alone for a blind horse.

The rain stung Faith's coat as she herded around the herd, pushing them down the south side of the hill away from the rain.

A couple young yearlings neighed in protest, but Faith pushed them down the hill, as the herd piled down the hill in hot pursuit of getting away from the storm that was upon them.

Finally the entire herd made it down the hill, and into the safety of the bottom of the valley, where the hill shaded them form most of the rain and wind.

Sighing, Faith began counting the herd members by smell. The yearlings...the elders, all the younger mares, but where was her father?

Neighing, she reared, and sniffed the air again.

No sign of him.

Desperatly, Faith galloped to the side of the hill, and stared out into the pounding rain. She neighed, sadness washing over her. Where was he? He had neighed to her...what had happened?

Sighing, and neighing one more time, Faith trotted back to the herd, and began to graze, her heart broken in pieces.


The rain stopped at one point in the night, Faith wasn't exactly sure when, and the sun rose the next day, washing away the storm of the day before.

Faith herded the herd back up the hill, and checked on the young yearlings that had hurt themselves the day before.

She looked around for her father, and then the sad realization washed over her. He was gone.

Turning on her back hooves, she trotted over to her best friend, a elder mare name Fern.

She told her the entire story, and informed her that she was going to look for Hawk. Being the understanding mare she was, she simply nodded, and watched her go, as Faith's figure disappeared over the brim of the hill.


Faith wasn't sure where she was going, nor did she care. She was going to find Hawk, if it killed her.

She passed over the spot where had two days ago she met the sweet and caring stallion. She wodnered what he was doing now, and then shook her head. She needed to focus on finding her father.

As if her thoughts broguht him there, a familar scent washed over her, and she turned in its direction.

His soft nicker made her tingle with excitement, and she reached her head out to his scent.

He came to her, and nuzzled her happily, glad she actually wasn't scared of him now.

Becoming serious, Faith neighed out the enitre story of the storm, and how her father was lost.

Snoffing, the stallion, newly found out his name was Cobalt, he nuzzle dher gently, and offered to help.

Faith neighed in protest. She wasn't sure where she was going, or what she was doing, and she barely knew this stallion! And he wanted to help her? Where did this stallion come from?

Not taking no for an answer, Cobalt trotted forward, and nickered for her to follow.

Sighing, Faith picked up her feet, and kept thinking left right left right.

This would be one long search, she thought to herself.


yes, I had no inspiration, so this one isn't very good.

butcomment, fan, etc :3

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