Chapter 9

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For the third day, the early morning sun streamed through the dirty windows of the old barn, causing the little group of horses, who had quickly gotten used to the barn life, to groan in annoyance. This meant more training for Faith, more vet care for Hawk, and more heartbreak of watching his love being ridden around like some beast for Cobalt.

Faith stretched her jaws in a wide yawn as Patrick made his way down the aisle to bring out the little filly. She yawned again as he snapped a brightly colored lead rope to the side of her halter, and began to lead her out. He inspected her teeth carefully, before she snapped her jaw shut, and glared at him, even though she couldn't see what he was doing.

"We need to get your teeth floated before we try anything with the bit." Patrick observed, pulling the horse in the opposite direction of the arena, and leading her up to the vets house, which was set off a little from the main house of the ranch.

He dropped the lead to his side, and clomped up the stairs to the vets office. Rapping on the door, he took a step back, and waited as he heard some faint clomping around within the house. The door swung open, revealing the stocky figure of Dr. Green, the live in vet. His grey hair was wetted down to his head, and swept back in the way of an older man. He was wearing a black and grey button up shirt, with dusty jeans, and brown cowboy boots. His Stetson set low on his head, and he watched Patrick with his light grey eyes. "Yes?" He asked slowly.

"Could you, er, float my horses teeth for me? She's not a ranch horse, but I would pay you to get it done for me." Patrick stated nervously, kicking some dirt around with his black cowboy boots.

"Sure I could. But what do you mean not a ranch horse? I thought that Mr. Dale didn't allow any horses other than his own on the property?" The vet asked, snatching his bag from the corner, and beginning to walk out the door.

"These are..uhmm, special cases." Patrick nodded seriously. "He's given me a training date. If they aren't usable by then, he plans to either sell them, or let them back out into the wild, depending on their progress in their training. "

The vet nodded, acting as if he was listening, before moving to one side of Faith, and opening her mouth, gently with his thumb. Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Patrick. Although she couldn't see him, Patrick could tell she was thinking, "Really?"

Dr. Green nodded at the teeth, and pulled some tools out of his black bag. Quickly, he floated the horses teeth, much to her protest, and handed the lead back to me. "She's all good to ride now with a bit. Have fun with her." The doctor patted the blind filly's shoulder, and walked back up into his house, slamming the door behind him.

Patrick shrugged, and tugged Faith's lead, so that she would follow him. They made their way back to the barn, where Patrick tied her too a wash stall, and went to get the cleaning supplies.

Two minutes later, Patrick appeared with a light grey tack trunk, armed with grooming supplies. He unwound the hose from its place near the barn, and began spraying a soft stream of water down Faith's back. She shivered, before relazing, and leaning into the semi-warm water.

Patrick smiled at the little horse, and began rubbing off some of the water with the scraper, and ran over the dry fur with a curry comb. He then took a thin comb, and began getting all the rats out of the filly's silky mane. He then moved back to the tail, combing through the long flowing tail, till it laid perfectly behind her, and flowed when she moved. Smiling at his handy work, he put everything up, and went to get tack to begin the breaking in process with Faith.

He led the mare to the middle of the aisle, and sat down the saddle rack. Gently, he slipped the bridle over the top of Faith's head, and let her get used to it. She shook her head, her ears flopping as she did, making Patrick laugh. Then he attached the bit, and slowly slid it into her mouth, helping her get used to it. She took it in her mouth, and played around with it, rolling it with her tounge.

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