Chapter 12

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With a grunt, Patrick boosted himself up into the saddle he had placed on Faith's back not ten minutes earlier, sticking his boot covered feet through the stirrup leathers, and gathering the reins within his slim fingers.

Hawk and Cobalt had been tied nearby, older leather halters and thin twine lead ropes holding them to the posts that where outside of the barn. Pressing his legs gently against Faith's sides, he guided her over to them, pulling her to a stop in front of the single post both leads were wrapped around.

He leaned over in the saddle, the leather creaking along with his joints as he expertly fiddled off the rough ropes, tying them back to a small, empty buckle on the saddle. Making sure everything was secure and safe, he tapped Faith's sides again. Her head picked up, and she lifted her hooves up high, listening to Patrick's ques intently as they trekked around the arena's, and out of the barn grounds, out onto the rolling fields that farmers had yet to plant.

As the came further, and further from the barn's massive grounds, a loud yelling, along with the creaking and slamming of doors could be heard. 


Patrick looked over his shoulder nervously, reaching up to look over Cobalt and Hawk's ears, faintly seeing a dark figure run off the porch of the main house, and into the main barn where all these horses had been just a few hours ago. Tightening the reins, he tapped Faith's sides, clucking lowly with his tongue to get all three horses to speed up into a slow lope.  Faith grunted, striking her hooves out delicately in front of her, not used to the new surroundings, afraid she was going to find an unseen hole by Patrick, and stumble. But she didn't, collecting her stride with ease and holding her head up high, having nothing else to do but trust Patrick's signals.

They traveled for hours, from the early morning breezes, to the hot almost unbearable afternoon sun, to the finally slowly cooling evening. The sun was slowly starting to fall over the treeline in the distance, letting a ray of orange, yellow, and pink lights to blend in the sky above.

"I'm taking you back to where I found you guys," Patrick explained in a hushed whisper, as if he were afraid someone around them would hear. "I'm only hoping you guys all know your way back to your valley from there."

Faith almost wished she could talk in English. It was almost as much as she wanted to be able to see at this moment. If she could have talked at this moment, she would have asked, But were are you going Patrick? How are you going to take all this supply with you to where ever you are going? Our valley isn't exactly near any barns. That's why we like it.

"We're almost there," Patrick sighed, almost sounding wishful as he reached up to adjust his cowboy hat that had almost flown off. "Almost there."

Almost was right. The three horses noses went immediately to the air, inhaling in the sweet scents of their homeland. From the dried out grass and very few clovers that was their food supply, to the smell of their herd not far off in the distance.

So they are still there! Faith thought happily, whinnying out for no apperent reason except pure joy at that. Not even a day earlier she hadn't wanted to leave the barn.

Now smelling her family and friends, along with all the things she grew up with, well, let's just say she was having second thoughts.

Sensing the sudden prancing in Faith's step, along with the half rears and snorts coming from Cobalt and Hawk, Patrick tugged back on Faith's reins, pulling all three horses to a stop. With a sigh, he swung his leg over the saddle, dropping onto the ground which sent a cloud of dust around him from the drought dry grounds.

Slowly, he removed the bridle and halter underneath from Faith's nose, knowing she wasn't leaving anytime soon. He sat them far enough away from the horses, along with some of his things that he had placed on the single saddle he brougth along. Next was the heavy western saddle. He quickly untied the twine from the buckle, holding them in his right hand as he removed the saddle with the other, discarding the leather seating next to the bridle. He removed both, torn leather halters away from Cobalt and Hawk's ears, and off their faces completely, discarding them in the now growing pile as well.

Patrick hastily blinked back his tears, taking a step back to admire the three horses who had yet to make any move to run away. If they where normal horses, they all would have bolted by now, and been long gone, away from him, and away from his life without any care in the world.

But it was like these horses knew. It's like they knew how he had helped them, and cared for them. A bond forming in very few days Patrick had come into possession with them. And now it was like they didn't want to leave, the realization of what Patrick meant by 'free' and 'home' finally going to their brains.

"Well go on!" Patrick called softly to the horses, causing all their heads to snap around in confusion. "Come on let's go you guys! Leave! You don't need me!" He clapped his hands together in a loud motion, tearing the cowboy hat off his head and flapping it around in the air to spook them off. "Just go. Please. It's for your own good."

Again, it was like all the horses understood exactly what he meant. First Cobalt, then Hawk hobbling after him at a high rate of speed, they bolted into the distance, heading for a large grassy knoll in the distance.

Then their was Faith.

Her head turned, her dull grey eyes focusing solely on Patrick for a moment. She blinked. Once. Then twice. It was like she could see him, although we know that's not true. She tossed her head a few times, letting out a neigh of thanks, before she bolted too, catching up quickly with the rest of her friends.

The two stalliosn disappeared over the hill, their tails flicking out like flags, disappearing completely. Faith was hot on their trail, before she shook her head, sliding to a stop, sending a cloud of dust around her, making it almost impossible to see her. 

When it finally settled, you could see her clearly. She bobbed her head again, rearing high in the air, striking viciously out into the wind with her hooves, before landing again. She neighed softly, lifting her lip in Patrick's general direction, earning a loud laugh to boom across the deserted land.

With one finally bob of the head, she wheeled around.

And then she disappeared over the horizon.

Away from Patrick, forever.




Really short book, and I'm sorry, but I really have no plans for it, but I thought I would give you a proper ending. :)

Hope you all liked it! Thanks for all the votes and comments throughout!

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