Chapter 6

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It was a horse without one of its hooves.

It was a horse, who reconized his daughter.



Faith cried out in mourning, and dropped down to her knees beside her father. She buried her head into his soft warm fur, and snuggled as close as she could get to him.

Cobalt watched in sadness, wishing he could do something for Faith to make her father better.

Hawk slowly raised his head to stare at his daughters blind eyes. His soft eyes blinked slowly, and he snuggled his head into Faith's, showing his obvious love for her.

Suddenly, a creaking of leather made all of the horses look up, and over in the direction of the sound.

Coming out of the tree line was a group of cowboys, all riding tough looking cowhorses who where smirking at the three wild horses, who where all close together, trying to avoid them.

One of the cowboys harsh laugh floated across the open plains, making the three horses shiver, from not only the wind, but the sound of the harshness in the boys tone.

A rope was suddenly tightening around Cobalt's neck, and the powerful stallion was being dragged backwards, toward the cow horses, and their riders.

Another rope flew through the air, slicing through the air, and landing neatly around Faith's neck. They dragged her backwards, Faith screaming in protest the entire way, trying to dig her feet into the ground to get back to her father.

"Come on horsey, your dad ain't gonna make it." The gentler of the cowboys murmerd to the horse, pulling her forward.

Hanging her head, Faith walked reluctantly next to the cowpony, who was giving her sympathetic looks, and an occasional nudge.

With one last glance back at her struggling father, Faith sighed deeply and walked forward into this new chapter in her life.

Cobalt and Faith where unwillingly led into two dark stalls in the corner of a barn inside a nice western looking farm. Many of the horses that already lived in the barn reached out their heads to greet the passing by mustangs. But Faith and Cobalt where too exhausted to greet back.

The nice looking cowboy came by with two buckets of water, and a net of hay, and grain, which where two forgien things to these to range raised mustangs.

Faith nibbled onto the sweet stalks, and found the sweet taste on her tounge very nice, and she nibbled some more, as thew hay melted into her mouth.

The cowboy grinned, as Faith got a drink, and then stuck her muzzle into the grain bucket, coming up with a grain stained muzzle.

Faith pinned her ears, as the cowboy gasped really loud, and began to stare intently into Faiths pale blue eyes, which looked quiet beautiful underneath the dark, dim lights of the barn.

 "Your blind aren't you honey?" The cowboy asked, reaching out to touch Faith's soft cheek fur. His touch was like fire, and Faith jerked away, her ears pinned, as she tried to make out the source of this. No human touched her! Not until they let her, and her friend free.

Cobalt neighed in warning as the agorant cowboy opened the stall door, and stepped quietly inside, pinning Faith flat to the back wall, as the cowboy knelt down underneath the grain bucket, and hanging hay net, and watched the blind filly, as she paced back and forth against the far wall of the stall.

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