My blind customer

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Chapter 1

Nicky run from her house. She had overslept. Her damn neighbors just could not shut up. They always fought for the silliest things and after an hour of shouting and breaking things all over the place, they made up. Did that mean that she got any peace. No of course not. Because after they made up, came make up sex. And the bigger their previous argument, the louder they were during sex. Last night they moaned and groaned up to three o clock in the morning. And even with her ear plugs she still could not sleep, they were that loud. Of course the fact that the walls of her place are paper thin did not help things at all. So now she was running to the bus stop to catch the eight thirty bus. She could not lose it because the next one was half an hour later and she did not want to be late on her first day on the job.

She was a hundred feet from the bus stop when she saw the bus coming. So she sprinted while moving her hands up and down for the driver to see her and stop to get her. Thankfully the bus driver was a nice lady in her forties that stopped and waited for her to run the last of the distance to the bus stop. When she entered the bus she practically collapsed on a seat up front and thanked the lady driver. She smiled back at her.

“Bad morning sweety?”

“Just the follow up of a bad night” Nicky all but groaned “And to make things worse I did not hear my alarm clock and I had to leave the house without the shower I had planned or eating breakfast. Thank god I had chosen what to wear last night, or I might be in my pajamas right now.”

“Why so anxious?”

“It is my first day on the job and I wanted to make a good impression, and running late does not make a good impression. If I lost this bus the next one is half an hour later” She said a little bit harshly. She was still irritated by her bad start today.

“Hey don’t shoot the messenger. I don’t make the bus schedule, I just do the driving.” The bus driver said a little bit defensively

“I know it is not your fault. I was the one that did not wake up as planned. It is just that without my morning coffee I am really cranky. And like I said no breakfast today.”

“Well I hope you have five minutes to spare after you get off the bus to take something to eat. Working on an empty stomach is very bad for you.”

“I know I know, are you always on this bus in the mornings?”

“Yes I am.”

“I am glad! I will be taking this bus every morning to work and it is nice to have a nice person to talk to in the morning” Nicky beamed at her “By the way I am Nicky”

“Nice to meet you Nicky I am Martha.”

“Well I get down on the next stop Martha, it was nice to meet you too. I will see you tomorrow. Have a nice day”

“Thanks you Nicky! Have a nice first day to work!”

Nicky got off the bus and run at the café she was hired yesterday. It was not her first job as a waitress. She was doing it since she was fifteen and her parents died. They were not a rich family and when they died on a car crush they did not leave her anything, not even a house to live since they were always on the rent. Thankfully for her, her maternal grandmother was alive and took her in her home; or else the social services would have put her in the foster system. Her grandmother was always fond of her and after her mother died it was as if Nicky replaced her daughter in her life. But she was not rich either, they had to live on her pension which was not much. That was why a few weeks after her parent’s death Nicky announced to her grandmother that she would work part time as a waitress to help to the home expenses. And she had worked as one ever since. Their financials were really tight and her grandmother’s health had deteriorated by the time she finished school so she did not even consider going to college. She started working full time and six months later her grandmother passed away leaving her all alone. Sometimes Nicky thought that she was hanging on until she turned eighteen so that she wouldn’t have to go to a foster family. The apartment they used to live was her grandmother’s and she inherited it after she died. It was not much but she would not have to pay rent and that was a real savior for her finances.

My blind customerWhere stories live. Discover now