hello everybody
so this is the next chapter
i really hope you like it!!!!!!
thank you all so much for your highly encouraging comments for my story
you really are the best!!!!!!!!!!
__________________________________________________________________________________edited by OhhPapiHarder
Chapter 11
Nicky left for work the next morning, her nerves in a total jumble. She had spent the past four hours counting sheep and trying not to think how she was going to tell Mike that she couldn’t go with him to his brother’s house next Thursday. She went to the bus stop and five minutes later the bus came with Martha on the drivers seat.
“Hello Nicky how are you today?”
“Good morning Martha. I am not feeling very good because my neighbors were going at it once again in the middle of the night totally disrupting my sleep. I got so upset that I couldn’t sleep again after that... And that was more than four hours ago.” That was not the only reason but she was not ready to spill the beans to Martha. She didn’t know her that well and they were in a public transportation full of people.
“Oh that sucks! You should do something about it sweetie. I mean how long can you stand suffering like that. Next time go and ring their bell and give them an earful. And if they keep up call the police. Since it is that late in the night the law is on your side.”
“You are right I guess. I should have done it a long time ago, but I don’t like causing trouble. It is not in my character.”
“I know sweetie. It is obvious you are a kindhearted girl, but that doesn’t mean that you should stand there while people take advantage of you. You should be more dynamic.”
“I promise I’ll try. But enough about me. How are you?”
“I am doing fine. The family is driving me crazy of course but what else is new. Haha having a family always has its ups and downs. At one point you may be furious and crazy with something and in the next moment your little one comes and gives you a hug out of the blue and your insides turn to mush.”
“It sounds great.”
“Yea well I am sure that you will be in my place pretty soon.”
“Why do you say that?” She wondered
“You look like a very kind person and the maternal type, so I am pretty sure that if you don’t already have a special someone to your life, you’ll get him pretty soon and you’ll start having pretty babies with him.” Nicky blushed because her mind immediately went to Mike. Well so much for her avoiding thinking of Mike that way.
“I am not so sure about that Martha. I am not very lucky in love.”
“I have a good feeling about you Nicky. And I am always right about my feelings.” She said and winked at Nicky.
“Well we’ll see.. This is my stop Martha, have a nice day, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye Nicky, see you tomorrow”
Nicky left the bus and went straight to the cafe. She changed in her uniform and started waiting on her tables. A couple of hours later Mike entered and this time she didn’t go to accompany him to one of her tables. She thought that that would be a nice way of putting some distance between them. He went straight to the counter and Sasha greeted him there.
“Hello Mike. How are you today?”
“I am exceptionally good Sasha. I had a nice afternoon and night last night and feel very refreshed today.” Nicky might have been away from the counter but her antennas were on and she listened to the conversation word for word.
“Good for you Mike. You most have had some special company to be so happy today.”
“You got me Sash. I had an enchanting company and we had a great time.”
“Wow you sure look hooked Mike. Who knew you were such a lover boy.” Mike smirked at her and Nicky felt little trembles seeing that smile. Actually she nearly dropped a glass of iced tea that she was holding, on the head of customer. That would have certainly be a disaster. She just had to get her head together.
“Yea well that’s me. So is the table I used yesterday available. Or one next to it?”
“Let me call Nicky and she will seat you. It is her domain. Hey Nick could you come here for a minute?”
“I will be right there in a minute” Nicky said and served the last drinks she had on her tray. After she was done she went straight to the counter and stood next to Mike.
“Hello Mike.”
“Nicky do you have any spare tables in the section that Mike sat yesterday? He is obviously grown very fond of those tables and asks for them again and again.” Sasha told her with a teasing glint in her eyes. “My tables aren’t good enough for him anymore”
“Now now Sash don’t make such a fuss. I didn’t even know that those tables were not yours. I can’t see you know where each one’s tables are.” He said looking all innocent. None of them bought it for a second.
“Sure sure! As if we don’t already know that you know this whole place like the back of your hand. You are not fooling anyone mister. He is all yours Nicky” Sasha said and winked at Nicky. Nicky didn’t say a thing. She hastily took Mike’s hand and directed him towards her tables, in an effort to hide the blush that was blossoming in her cheeks. She placed him in the same table he had occupied the previous day since it was vacant and asked him for his order.
“What can I get you today Mike?”
“A chocolate shake and a piece of apple pie please. I am sorry if that was a touch embarrassing for you. I had no such intent. It is just that these tables here are smack in the middle of the cafe and there are many tables around and tons of conversations I can inspired from. The cornered tables are more preferred by people that come here by themselves as if they feel kind of embarrassed that they are here alone, or by people that come here to read or work and they are not help at all for me. It is like sitting on a closed TV looking for entertainment.” Nicky was amazed once again by they way he seemed to observe everything.
“You have turned this in an art haven’t you?”
“Hey I am not new in this. I’ve come here for over a year now. Sasha was not far of the point when she said I know this place like the back of my hand.”
“In that case there is no reason for you to apologize to me. You are doing your job. We are here to wait on you not make your life difficult.”
“That doesn’t mean I want to make your life difficult Nicky. You are an employee here. You are nobody’s slave. You are too special to be treated badly by anyone, no matter if he is your boss, a customer or a colleague.”
“Hey what happened to ‘the customer is always right’?”
“It shouldn’t have to apply to you.”
“Why is that?” She was baffled by his reaction to that subject. He seemed irritated that Sasha had teased her.
“You are special. I already told you that. Next time they make you feel bad they are going to get an earful from me.” Nicky looked at him startled. He seemed to care about her. Should she tell him that she wouldn’t go to his family gathering?
“They are just being friendly Mike. I think it is a way of making me one of the team. Please don’t tell them anything.”
“OK for now, but if I sense at some time that they are being hurtful to you, I’ll have a talk with them.”
“Mike I am not sure if that is very wise. I am the new kid here. I don’t want anything jeopardizing my job.”
“Oh trust me! I can have very creative and subtle ways of making my point. You don’t have to worry.”
“Again thank you for your concern. I am going to get you your order now.” She said and left quickly. She had stayed quiet a long time at his table and her boss was looking at her quizzically. As she approached him he asked her.
“Is everything OK there. You were talking for quite some time.”
“Yes of course. Everything was OK. He was in a dilemma whether to get a double chocolate cake or an apple pie to accompany his milkshake and he wanted me to help him decide.”
“Ah good. He is our most faithful customer.” He said pretty meaningfully and Nicky was very glad that Mike hadn’t told her boss that she followed him home. She gave the order to June and when it was ready, she took it straight to him. During that time she had debated telling him about next Thursday or not. When she reached his table she had come to the conclusion that she had to tell him now. It was only fair since he was so kind to her.
“Mike there is something I need to tell you.” She told him and her words could be barely heard.
“Cupcake is something wrong? You sound serious.”
“No nothing is wrong. It’s about next Thursday. I can’t come.”
“Did they change your day off? We can arrange it the day off your day off. Don’t sweat.”
“No I don’t work on Thursday, I just thought about it at home and I don’t want to intrude on your family. You should be on your own.”
“Don’t be silly. It is not some formal dinner or anything. Plenty of times we invite friends to join us. You are coming.”
“But I am not a family friend.” Nicky almost whispered feeling awful about the way the conversation was heading.
“Says who? You are my friend and I have every right to invite to it. So you are coming. I am going to come and pick you up at twelve on Thursday. Just write your address on a piece of paper and hand it to me.”
“No that is not necessary. Tell me where to come and I’ll get there.”
“You are being silly again. My sister in law will come to get me. After that we’ll come by your place. It is as easy as that. Now go we both have work to do.” Nicky looked at him amazed. He made everything so easy. She had gone there to cancel on him and only did she not manage to do that, but she also got herself into bigger trouble, with him coming to her house to get her. Her neighborhood was not a very good one, and she didn’t want him to witness that. Because even though he couldn’t see, his sister in law did and she would certainly tell him about it. And what if they decided to come to her door to get her. She would see how small and plain her place was. That was even worse. Anxiety nearly drown her.She was in big trouble.
hey hope you enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kisses to you all!!!!!!!!!!

My blind customer
RomanceNicky is a waitress. When she starts working in a cafe, she meets a mysterious fascinating blind man. She is immediately drown to him and makes it her goal to learn everything about him. What will happen when she finds out his story....