hello everyobdy
sorry it took me so much time to update.
i hope you like this chapter as well
thank you sooooooo much for all your magnificent comments on the previous one and for all of your suport!!!!!!!!!!!
edited by OhhPapiHarder
Chapter 13
“Girls this is Nicky.” Jane introduced her to the twins. “Nicky these are Rose and Lily, my adorable little devils. Rose is the one in red and Lily the one in pink.” Nicky turn around to greet them, but before she had the chance to say something Rose spoke.
“Nicky are you uncle Mike's lover?”
Nicky looked at them stunned. She didn't know what to answer to them. As a matter of fact she didn't expect them to know such words let alone the meaning of them. And how come they had come to associate her and Mike like that. What had he told his family about her and did he really discuss such things with his nieces? All those thoughts run through her mind instantly. She didn't know what to tell them.
“No” She said while blushing like crazy. Instantly the voice of Mike sounded gruff, showing his obvious anger.
“Where in the world did you here something like that? Jane what are you teaching them? They are way too small to know such things.” Jane seemed speechless looking straight ahead as if she was in a trans. Mike's voice got her out of her trans like state and now she was angry too.
“Of course I am not teaching them things like that, why would you even think I would? Rose where did you here that Nicky is Mike's lover?” Rose hearing her mothers anger combined with the anger she had heard in her uncle's voice, who was always very kind to her, she started whimpering realizing that she had done something bad, although she didn't know what. When Mike heard her distress he knew she was going to cry. He hated it when they cried, he didn't want anyone distressing them, they were too precious.
“No no don't cry Rose, you didn't do anything wrong. It is just that the words you used are grown up words, not for little angels like you to use them.”
“Mike stay out of this.” Jane told him. “I want to know where they heard such a thing. I don't want them speaking like that and I am making sure that they don't get to hear them at home either.
“Mammy it is not my fault. I heard daddy saying that. I didn't know it was something bad. Nicky looks like a kind lady so I thought it is something good.” Rose said apologetically. “Please don't punish me mammy. It really wasn't my fault. You can ask Lily. She heard daddy too.”
“She is telling the truth mammy. We heard daddy speaking with uncle Josh on the phone.” Lilly added trying to get her sister out of trouble.
“When was that? Did daddy say those things while you were in the room with him?” Jane asked them, furious at her husband this time. If her look was any indignation he was going to have an earful when she saw him next.
Nicky saw through the review mirror the girls who looked at each other and then at their hands sheepishly. They had obviously done something fishy and were feeling guilty right now.
“I am waiting girls.” Jane said threateningly. Rose sighed and resigned she started confessing.
“We heard him last night. We were in our beds but I got a little bit thirsty. I went to the kitchen to get my sippy cup and Lilly came with me so that I wasn't alone in case I there were monsters in the hallway. We don't know if daddy saw us. We didn't mean to hear anything I was just thirsty.” She said with a pout that Nicky found adorable.

My blind customer
Roman d'amourNicky is a waitress. When she starts working in a cafe, she meets a mysterious fascinating blind man. She is immediately drown to him and makes it her goal to learn everything about him. What will happen when she finds out his story....