Chapter 1

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A/N Please don't take this story seriously, I know Shawn isn't like this!

Addi's P.O.V

I felt my eyes drifting towards a figure in the doorway, my hands pausing as they put money into the cash register. I watched as he looked from side to side, before walking through purposely. A teenage girl, no older than 15, tottered in after him; not bothering to hide her annoyance. The customer in front of me coughs and I redirect my attention to the task at hand.

"Thank you for dining at Rendezvous, would you like a receipt sir?" I smile sweetly at the stern man in front of me as he shakes his head.

"That won't be necessary," he says curtly. I quickly tap the screen, my smile slipping as he turns away; he obviously couldn't find it in his  heart to leave a small amount of what he has in abundance. 

"Addi? Please can you cover the front service? I've got a quick job to do," Claire, my manager, asks as she pops up from the wine cellar hatch. 

"Of course," I smile back, making my way to the front of the restaurant. A small queue has started to form for tables which I must sort immediately; queues turn away customers and their money. I quickly show an elderly couple to a table for two before returning to the podium. He's now stood at the front of the queue, tapping his foot impatiently as he waits.

"Have you got a reservation sir?" I ask, using my calmest voice. I glance at the girl stood beside him, she wears a short black dress that is far too tight and dare I say... revealing? Her blonde hair bounces gracefully past her shoulders in loose curls that frame her face, which is coated in make-up. Her eyelids are a smoky black, her eye liner effortlessly making her brown eyes pop. Her lips are a dark, crimson red and her cheekbones are defined; helped, of course, by obvious contouring. 

"Yes," He replies impatiently, running a hand through his thick, brown hair. His hair bounces lazily back into place and I force myself to concentrate on his face and not his abs that are hugged loosely by a dark short sleeved shirt.

"What name is it under?"

"Mendes for 7:30," he says, confirming what I already knew.

"Ok, if you could just follow me," I reply, tapping the table and leading them towards a secluded table. I reach into my pocket for a lighter and set it to the tea light. The flame momentarily flares before becoming a steady flicker, sending beautiful patterns through the blue, tinted holder.

"Please can we have some water?" The girl finally pipes up, "Just still."

"Of course. Would you like your food menu now or would you like me to come back?" I reply.

"Now," Shawn's voice answers, the girl glares at him before looking at me, "Please?" she adds.

I suppress a smile and hand two menus to them before rushing back to my place at the front. Within several minutes Claire returns and takes over, sending me to wait on the back area of the restaurant. I collect several orders before my tablet tells me it's time to return to Shawn's table. I weave around the tables, grinning briefly at Tom as we pass, and stop just short of the table.

"Are you ready to order yet?" I ask, bringing up the ordering system.

"Uhm, yes please. I'll have the salmon with the lobster mash, please," the girl points at the menu and I nod as I tap the correct option, "No starters?" I ask.

"No, I'll have the chorizo chicken with side salad," Shawn says, my heart skips and I force myself to stay neutral.

"I'll be right back with those," I say as I rush off, keeping my head down as I feel my face go red. I collect another tables' desserts and make my way towards them, wondering why Shawn refuses to acknowledge me. We've known each other since the start of secondary school and it's now nearing the end yet he acts indifferently towards me. At the end of this year, I'm just going to have to let him go. I'm going to have to find someone else and hope that they take me to prom at the end of year 13.

The rest of my shift passes quickly and I leave ten minutes after Shawn and his date, if she was his date... I saw them several times and he showed no signs of affection towards her; nothing. I saw her lean in for a kiss at one point but he turned away, personally I found that hilarious; obviously her chest almost popping out of her dress had not impressed him. 

I fumble in my bag for my phone and I'm just about to ring my Dad when I hear a voice, "Not here, please."

I turn my head towards the noise and, being the nosey person I am, follow it down the side of Rendezvous. Quickly pushing my phone into my bag and zipping it, I strain my eyes to see two figures pushed against  wall. A hiss floats through the air, "Don't tell me this isn't what you want, dressing up like that?"

"Not here," comes the reply. I recognise the hiss instantly. I walk further down the street until I see Shawn, pressing the girl against the wall. He has one hand up the back of her dress and the other holding her boob tightly as he kisses her neck. I start to turn away but my foot lands heavily in a puddle, alerting them both to my presence.

"Who's there?" Shawn turns around. I watch the girl smooth down her dress and hair before turning my attention to Shawn.

"Sorry, I've just finished my shift, it's my job to check the... bins," I stutter, feeling my face flush. He looks my up and down, pausing occasionally.

"Addi? No need to apologise," He says smoothly, turning around, "Kiara, we're done."

Her face hardens and she turns around, wobbling slightly in her heels. 

"There was never anything to finish," She replies icily before turning away, phone in hand. I watch as she leaves before turning to Shawn, a questioning look on my face. He shrugs and pulls his phone out of his pocket.

"Addi?" I hear Tom's voice echoing down the ally, "What are you doing?" 

"What? Oh nothing!" I turn around and see Tom walking towards me an angry look on his face, bracing myself I open my mouth but he pushes straight past me to Shawn.

"What did you do to that girl?" He says, clenching and unclenching his fists. Shawn looks up lazily from his phone,"Nothing mate. I'd suggest you stay out of this."

His voice sends a shiver down my spine, his accent still gets me every time. Shawn glances at me an amused look on his face and I quickly try to mask my emotions. Tom turns around and smiles at me before speaking again, "I can give you a lift home if you want."

I nod and follow my best friend out of the ally. He may be overprotective but he's like a brother to me and I'm grateful for him looking out for me. I've known him since nursery and we've been best friends since year 2 at primary school. He's about the only boy I'm not awkward or uncomfortable around. We drive home talking about the shift and the rude old lady that comes once every week and orders the exact same thing each time. We arrive outside my house and I open the car door, "Thanks!"

 "Addi?" Tom's face suddenly turns serious, "Can we talk?"

"Later, ok? I'm really tired and I've got to finish off my maths work before midnight," I open the door further and take a mental note to ring Tom tomorrow morning.

"Ok, I guess," he replies, "See you soon."

"Bye, love you," I shout over my shoulder, walking up my garden path. I turn around at the door to see Tom driving off, a defeated look on his face. I really will have to speak to him properly tomorrow.

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