Chapter 2

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Edited on 8/02/2016

Tom's P.O.V

With a sigh I put my hands at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock on the steering wheel and drive away; it's too late now. My mind drifts back to our encounter with Shawn and Kiara and I have to wonder what goes on in his head, I'm sure Kiara will get over him; they all do eventually... Except for Addi. I've been by Addi's side for so many years and every day it tears my heart to see her so in love with a boy that can't return the feeling. When I saw the way she looked at him earlier... It doesn't matter. It'll all change by next year, I'm sure. I slowly pull onto the curb outside my house and get out of the car. My phone buzzes in my pocket and I read a text from Addi.

Will ring u b4 school tomo? Sorry xxx

I agree before unlocking the front door and moving quietly upstairs. I finally fall into bed and drift asleep in minutes.

Addi's P.O.V

I take another sip of my hot chocolate as I look at Shawn across the table; he's smiling at me, making my insides melt. I feel my cheeks lift up to return the smile as I put my cup down onto the table; empty. Shawn stands up from the table and is holding out his hand, "Are you ready to go?"

I nod as I grab hold of his hand, unsure of how to lace my fingers in his. He gives my hand a reassuring squeeze as we leave the cafe together. As we step outside I look down at myself, I'm wearing a black and white skater dress with converse, before falling into step with Shawn. A muffled shout makes it way to my ears, but I'm unsure of what the voice was saying. Shawn looks around briefly before speeding up slightly. Shawn's arm glides around my shoulder as I try to look around, "Where do you want to go babe?"

"I don't mind," I reply before trying to look around again. The shout sounds again, clearer this time, "Addi!" 

The voice sounds vaguely familiar but I don't get the chance to look around as Shawn pulls me closer before kissing the top of my head, "It's ok," he whispers. I pull back, opening my mouth to ask what, exactly, is ok but I'm stopped by his lips on mine, I lean into the kiss before he pulls back. Confusion fills me as when I look at his face it's not Shawn, it's Tom.


A knock comes at my door, "Addi? Time to wake up."

"Gimme a sec," I groan, rolling over as I rub my hand across my face. I reach across for my phone and accidentally knock it to the floor. Instead of getting out of bed, I slide half off the bed, stretching my arm in attempt to reach it, my fingertips glance across the top and I lean further forward. There's a loud thud as I slide off the bed. Great. I stay in the same position as I check a text from an unknown number.

Wanna meet up today? Shawn.

My insides flip before confusion and worry fills my head, overcrowding my excitement. 

How did you get my number? Did I give it to you? Or did one of my mates give it to you? Anyway, you have it either way...

I regret sending it almost a second after my finger taps the screen, he's going to think I'm a blubbering idiot with verbal diarrhoea now. I dig my school uniform out of my wardrobe and quickly get changed before going to the bathroom to brush my teeth. My phone pings, alerting my of a reply.

Shawn: It was on the valentines day note you sent me...

I remember the home made red card that I had deliberated for hours over whether I should slit it into his locker or not. I remember quite distinctly what I had written inside; my name was not present in that card in any way.

Me:I didn't realise you knew that note was from me... 

Might as well be honest. A reply comes almost immediately.

Shawn: I don't

Me: Then why do you want to meet up with me? Not that I don't want to meet up with you but... 

Shawn: Well you obviously put a lot of effort into that card and I want to know who you are.

I pause for a second before my heart's wishes overpower my brain's reasoning.

Me: Oh ok. I guess we can meet up. Just let me know where and when.

I finish brushing my teeth and run downstairs for breakfast. I barely chew my toast before swallowing; I need to ring Tom before I get the bus. I quickly find his  number but it goes straight to voice mail. That's odd, he never has his phone off. I glance at the clock and realise I'm running late, I'll just see if he's on the bus. I shout bye to my mum and sister before running out of the door. I sprint all the way to the bus stop and reach it just as the bus pulls up. Shawn glances at me as I appear bright red and breathless. I wait until last to climb up onto the bus and sit in mine and Tom's usual place near the back. I put in my earphones as the bus sets off and send Tom a quick text, asking if he's ok. Someone's shoulder brushes mine and I realise that Shawn has taken the seat next to me.

I pull out one of my earphones and wait for him to speak. Instead he stays silent, whether he is contemplating on what to say or is trying to be mysterious I don't want to initiate a conversation so I put my earphones back in.We arrive at Tom's bus stop and I sigh with relief as Tom climbs onto the bus. I remember Shawn sat next to me and look at him pointedly. He looks from Tom to me and smirks, staying where he is. Tom begins to make his way down the bus before seeing Shawn, he looks at me before taking a seat next to a boy called Bailey. I sigh, deciding to talk to him privately when we get to school.

"So what's the deal between you and him?" Shawn asks. I pull out my earphones and quickly reply with my usual answer to this frequent question, "He' my best friend."

"And that's it?" He replies, looking at me as I nod my head, "Good. Can you come to my house for for 6 tomorrow?"

"Um... Yeah. I thought you didn't know it was me?" I ask curiously. I see Tom look back at us before redirecting his gaze almost immediately, a indescribable look on his face.

"I have my ways," Shawn says as the bus stops. He stands up and starts walking down the bus, leaving me with my seatbelt still on. I stand up quickly and try to catch up with Tom as I see him stand up to leave the bus, I really need to talk to him.

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