Chapter 8

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A/N Image is Addi's Mum


This isn't exactly going to bring back happy memories but I feel that you'd want me to tell you everything I know about what now makes up such a large portion of both your life and personality, so here's the first part. 

Tuesday 5th May 2009

Yesterday we found out that we were going to the same secondary school, after the summer holidays  had finished and both you and I were really excited at the prospect of starting and hopefully finishing this new chapter together; not that we put it that way, we were only 11. 

However, when you came into school on this day it was as if we'd never heard this good news, your face was wiped of emotion to many but I could see straight through your mask that thinly concealed upset like a glass box conceals it contents. I waited to see if you would bring up the cause of your sudden change of mood but several hours passed and you barely said a word to me other than, "Please can you pass me the rubber, Tom?" and, "Do you know the answer, Tom?"

I decided to wait until the end of the day to ask you, just in case you didn't want anybody to overhear. When the bell rang for the end of the day you leapt to your feet and shot out of the door before I had even stood up. Due to you being my best friend, I felt compelled to find out and asked my mum to drive me to your house; which I had been to uncountable times. 

When we pulled up outside, we noticed that your Dad's car was missing which wasn't, I suppose, unusual. You'd told me that he'd been going on numerous business trips and that you missed him. My mum told me to wait in the car while she asked if it was ok that I had come over to see you because I was worried. I waited impatiently in the car as I waited for what seemed like an eternity for your sister to open the door. My Mum's body posture changed suddenly and when she finally came back to the car, there was a serious look on her face that only accomplished bad news. 

"I think we better go home for now," She announced in a careful tone, "I've asked Charlotte to tell Addi you came round and to talk to you when she can."

Disappointment coursed through my body and one question left my lips,"It's her Dad, isn't it?"

My mum didn't reply and instead drove us home, avoiding conversation where possible.

Addi's P.O.V

My Mum slams the door behind my Dad and slowly makes her way over to the sofa. She sinks into it, listening intently as a car engine starts and quickly becomes fainter. Only when the engine can no longer be heard does she let the mask of anger crumble from her face, revealing a look that I rarely see on my mother. It's not sad, yet it's not anger or happiness; it's as if my mum has created her own emotion called, 'Addi's Dad'.

A silence stretches across the room, as tight as a rubber band at snapping point. It finally snaps when Shawn coughs awkwardly from his seat in the corner. 4 pairs of eyes, Lottie left as soon as Dad arrived, turn his way and I see a slight bashfulness on his face. Before the silence overwhelms us once again, my mother stands up and announces, "I'm going out for a bit."

There's no objections and Pahl stands up also, "I think Mum wants us back Tom. Something about 'quality family time'," she snorts.

Tom looks almost regretfully at me and I simply nod, not wanting to draw too much attention to myself. My Mum glances at Shawn who is also about to leave and says, "Can you stay with Addi for a bit? Just in case she needs any help but I suppose she can manage..."

"I can stay if it's a problem to you," Tom jumps in.

"If you're mum wants you home then you better go," I say, "Besides I can manage if Shawn can't stay, like mum said."

Shawn pauses for a few seconds, to ensure that we've all stopped speaking before he begins, "I can stay with Addi, it's fine. We can just watch some movies or something."

Tom's face ices over but Pahl tugs his arm gently, indicating that they really need to leave. My Mum follows behind them after instructing us to take anything we want out of the fridge. I hobble over to our CD collection and hesitate about whether I should sit down or not. Before I come to a decision, however, Shawn is by my side, "Let me do it. What film are you looking for?"

"I was thinking we could watch a few Harry Potters, my mum might be gone for a while. Lottie's probably gone to stay overnight somewhere so I guess we're just waiting for my Mum."

Shawn nods and begins to pull out the 8 CD's, "So your Dad, Chris, how often does he visit?"

"I don't know. I can only remember him leaving," I reply truthfully, "Whether I can't remember him visiting or he never did visit, I'm not sure. But I'm assuming this visit wasn't scheduled."

"What do you remember about him? Well actually, you don't have to answer that..." Shawn trails off as he pulls out the last Harry Potter. He makes his way over to the CD player and inserts Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

"Not much really. You do know that's the fourth Harry Potter, right?" I laugh. Shawn removes the disc and hovers uncertainly above the rest.

"Philosopher's stone," I help, "Have you never watched or read them?"

"Thanks and no I haven't, have I missed anything worthwhile?" He says while putting the correct disc in. A sharp pain shoots above my eyebrow and I suddenly remember sitting on the sofa, watching a Harry Potter marathon with Tom, Mum, Lottie and my Dad. I feel my eyes begin to well up and my throat tighten and I quickly close my mouth. Shawn turns around and comes to sit next to me, "Are you ok?"

I'm about to nod but find myself shaking my head. Shawn puts his arm around me and for some reason I feel a sense of home. 

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