Chapter 11

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Shawn's P.O.V

I walk down Addi's drive after being close to being pushed out of her house; I honestly have no idea what brought her change of mood so suddenly. I sigh and check my phone as it buzzes.


Did you get my text? My phone has been playing up so I have to check whenever I send one.

I go further up the conversation and realise that I forgot to reply to her earlier text, I send back an answer before starting to walk. I pass a small cul-de-sac and jump slightly as Tom appears with his... sister? She doesn't really look like either him or Pahl. They stop for a second and I immediately notice her bad posture; she looks about 2 inches smaller than she did before. She laughs loudly before pushing her hands up under her hair and flicking it outwards. I look away, laughing, as her long, shiny black hair nearly flicks Tom in the face and he flinches backwards, wrinkling his nose. I notice him looking in my direction and I wave. He scowls before saying something to the girl and crossing the road towards me.

"What are you doing?" He snaps.

"I wasn't aware I'm not allowed to even walk in my own neighbourhood," I reply, smiling as I watch him searching for a reply. As he hesitates I begin to wonder what Addi ever saw in him. Yes, he's nice to her but what's the point of being nice if you're the complete opposite to other people. Then a thought that has been forming in my mind ever since he lied to me comes to light, "You and Addi never dated, did you?"

Tom's eyes widen and I wait for his reply.

Addi's P.O.V 

I must have fallen asleep on the sofa as I am awoken by my phone ringing, the caller ID flashes up as Claire  and I suddenly remember that I was supposed to ring her so we could discuss when I'd be able to work again.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi, Addi," Claire starts, I don't interrupt her - if she rings you then she wants to do the talking and you to agree with her, "I know that you've probably been busy over the past couple of days, but we do need to talk about possible sick leave or voluntary redundancy."

My heart clenches at "redundancy" voluntary or not, "Yes, sorry about that."

I don't put my own ideas forward as Claire is likely to not consider them even if she's had similar thoughts about the subject. She ignores my slight apology and continues talking, "What is the exact condition of your injuries?"

I hear the muffled background noise disappear; she must have gone out the side of the restaurant. I feel a pain above my eyebrow and suddenly I see Shawn, partially hidden in the shadows, pushed up against a girl, his hands up her dress and on her chest. 

"Addi, are you there?" Claire asks, worry seeping into her usual business like tone.

"What... Oh, yeah sorry. Injuries. Well I've broken my ankle and sprained my wrist. The doctors have put a cast on my leg and told me to come back in 6 weeks so they can check the progress of it healing and I have to go back to the hospital tomorrow for them to check my wrist, but it should be ok - it's only meant to take 2-3 days to heal and it's been 2 I think," I reel of as much of the doctors words that I can remember.

"Ok, well, ring me in 6 weeks after your check up and make sure you've asked the doctor if you'll be fit to come back to work but I am able to give you 6 weeks sick leave; your attendance is otherwise immaculate," Claire replies, I hear a scratching noise and assume that she's writing a couple of notes.

"Ok, thank you!" I say as Claire ends the call. I go back to the sofa and dither, unsure of what to do now. I decide that I should probably be productive and do some of my school work that the teachers enjoy giving you to do over the holidays.

Shawn's P.O.V

I continue walking, leaving Tom with the girl he was with. After several minutes I realise that I'm outside Lizzie's house. I smile to myself at previous memories and go forward to knock on the door. Barely 10 seconds pass before I hear the key in the lock and Lizzie opens the door, a slight smile on her face too.

"Have you eaten?" She asks, but I know she's just being polite and isn't offering me food. I nod and watch as she thinks of a way to get me upstairs, my mind racing with the information I just got from Tom and thoughts of Addi.

"Do you want to watch a film?" she asks.

"Sure, whatever," I reply. I wait for the words, 'we can watch it in my room' but they don't come. I look around the fairly spacious room and realise that the blinds are closed and that the door behind me is firmly shut which it rarely is. I inwardly laugh at Lizzie's more blunt approach, Addi is much more innocent/

Lizzie's P.O.V

I pick the first film I come across on the TV and turn to see Shawn absorbed in his own thoughts. He's been different since that Adeleine person started talking to him, but she poses no threat to me, otherwise Shawn wouldn't be here, would he?

As the film starts playing, Shawn comes back to reality and he turns to kiss me. I lick his lower lip and he opens his mouth; allowing my tongue entry. He pushes me back slightly on the sofa so that he's above me and kisses my neck. On a whim, I decide to whisper, "I love you, Shawn."

"I love you too Addi," comes his whispered reply.

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