Chapter 3

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A/N just for the purpose of this story, Shawn lives in England. Also, I've edited the previous chapter as I wasn't happy with it, you can re-read if you want but don't have to.

Addi's P.OV

I glance at the clock again; it's nearly the end of school. I return to my work briefly before being interrupted by Tom. I managed to explain what happened yesterday and we're back on good terms; I hope. However, when I explained I didn't quite explain everything, I'm sure it's obvious what I missed out. I don't believe that I was the only one editing the truth though, when I asked Tom what it was he wanted to talk about he avoided the question and also avoided my gaze when I asked why I hadn't been able to contact him.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go see that new film you've been wanting to see tonight? We could go back to mine and then I can drive us to the cinema after we've eaten something or we could get a takeaway afterwards?" He asks.

"Sorry Tom, I'm busy..." I sigh, putting my pen down. I really want to go and see the film Tom's talking about and it would also help relieve some of the current tension but I've already agreed to go to Shawn's, in a way. I bite my lip and look at Tom when he opens his mouth to speak, "What are you doing?"                                                                                                              

His tone is casual but his eyes are speculative; I can't hide much from him, he knows me too well.   

"Going to a friends house," I reply trying to keep my answer vague.                                                               

"Seriously Addi? You don't want to go to Shawn's house! You barely know the guy!" Tom replies, worry being the predominate emotion in his voice. How he has figured that out from the little information I offered; I have no idea but he really doesn't need to worry so much. 

"Yes, he's a complete stranger just like every other person I've known for 6 years," I can't help but reply sarcastically. Tom simply sighs and starts to methodically place everything into his bag. The teacher tells us to pack away and I do the same.                                                                                                               

"I'll see you soon," Tom says, pulling his rucksack up onto his shoulder. He turns away and walks out of the door without giving me chance to reply. I guess I spoke too soon about sorting everything out.


It's quarter past 5 and I still don't know what to wear. There's clothes strewn across my room and I run my hand through my hair, trying to decide on an outfit. I don't even know what we're doing at Shawn's house let alone what to wear. I decide that a skirt is too much but leggings too little and finally settle on a pair of dark blue high waisted, skinny jeans. I sift through the tops hung up in my wardrobe, several falling to the floor as I do so. A soft knock comes at the door and I open it to find my sister Lottie stood there, "What are you doing?"

"Deciding what to wear to Shawn's house," I reply honestly. I open the door wider and Lottie steps over several piles of clothes in to sit on my bed, smiling as she takes in the sight of my room.

"Something your comfortable in, if you're not comfortable with the situation you should at least be comfortable in your clothes," She pauses, "Just pretend it's not Shawn you're meeting but Tom, you don't give a second thought about that." I don't see my older sister as often as I'd like too but she's home from university currently and luckily she's willing to stay with me and Mum for a while rather than Jake (her boyfriend)'s house.

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