Chapter 9

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Thursday 7th May 2009,

You didn't come to school on the Wednesday and my mum point blank refused to drive me over again without invitation. I had more or less figured out what I thought had happened; but to this day neither you or I are 100% sure. 

Anyway, you came back to school on the Thursday and invited me over for tea. I, of course, agreed. So, after school we walked back to your house, along the way you told me everything you knew. You told me that the business trips your dad had been going on had only partially been for business, the other part was to see a woman called Ashley. You didn't know this at the time; but your dad had been seeing her for about 9 months and your mum had maybe known for 2. However, your mum wanted to make sure that her suspicions were correct before she took any drastic move that would disrupt all 4 of your lives. 

Monday was the day that she became certain. The day that Ashley had rung the house telephone. The day Ashley rang to say that she was pregnant. How she managed to not notice your mum immediately, I don't know, but she didn't and she burst out with, "Great news Chris! I'm pregnant!"

At that point your mum had hung up and burst into tears. When you got home from school with your own great news, you found her sat motionless by the telephone. Looks of anger, distress and sadness  were all displayed over her body. You then rung your Nan and Grandad, who of course were horrified by Chris's actions and gave your mum aid in what to do. 

When Chris got home your mother greeted him with a glare that would make Chuck Norris shake as you put it. She then proceeded to pass on Ashley's great news and added on, I suppose you'll have to go live with her now, support your first child type of thing which was received with confusion but answered again with, "Charlotte and Adeleine shouldn't have to call a scumbag (or words to that effect) like you their father. So as I see it, they won't have to."

You said that your mother didn't break until the last bag was packed, the final bin bag out of the door and the final sound of the engine driving away.

Addi's P.O.V

Kissing Shawn for the second time was just as it was the first time, a mixture of the feeling of falling into a bottomless hole, the feeling of the climate of a roller-coaster and the feeling of guilt. Guilt for Tom. Yet, I couldn't stop myself. The taste was too sweet, too tempting and too addictive.

Half-way through the first film we continued to talk about Chris and just as I had promised myself that I wouldn't: I began to cry. Before the tears became overwhelming I felt Shawn's lips on mine, his breath tickling my cheek and butterflies in my stomach. My crying slowly halted and I felt myself reluctantly pull back, "You know this is exactly what Tom was worried about."

"Tom can't blame you for not recalling your loving relationship with him," Shawn injects venom into the words loving relationship and confusion fills my brain. Were Tom and I not a good couple? Surely if we were a good couple, I would remember more about it. Remember the surely countless times I kissed him but instead I can only remember my previous kiss with Shawn and Lottie's interruption. 

"Shouldn't I..." I begin but the flow of my words comes to a stop when Shawn's kissing me again. The guilt in my stomach is over-powered by the warm, glowing feeling spreading through my body like blood. My hands gently move up towards his head and I twist my fingers in his unruly hair, just as I wanted to the first time I met him after my accident.

Between the film and the adrenaline rushing through my body, I didn't hear the door opening or the footsteps that followed. I do hear, however, the exclamation that came after, "Addi!"

I jump back from Shawn as if he had given me an electric shock, and the glowing feel comes to a finish. Shawn pushes his hand through his hair before turning around to greet Tom.

"I thought you went home to mummy," Shawn said, sarcasm dripping waterfalls from his voice. Tom ignores him and walks over to me, "Can we talk?"

Tom's P.O.V

After about 30 minutes, I finally manage to escape from 'family time' with the excuse of Addi needing me but when I get to Addi's house it seems that she was doing just fine without me. Even though we aren't dating and never were, jealousy and anger rushes through my body and I can't stop the cry that comes from my mouth, "Addi!"

She jumps away from Shawn and I can practically see the guilt radiating from her body, Shawn, on the other hand, does something stupid with his hair and turns around; a smirk on his face. I don't need him to tell me that he knows me and Addi never dated; I can tell from the look of accomplishment on his face. I pray that he keeps silent for just a bit longer before he speaks, "I thought you went home to mummy."

I clench my hands before ignoring him and walking over to Addi, "Can we talk?" I ask. She nods and I help her through into the kitchen. I open my mouth, ready to tell her the truth but instead she beats me to it, "No offence, Tom but I think that we should take a break. I don't remember our relationship being that way and I think I'd find it hard to fake it until it all comes back. I'm sure I love you Tom, I just need time to be certain that's what I still want."

I open my mouth in surprise, before gathering my wits and preparing, once again, to tell her the truth but she's gone. I take that as my cue to leave and I exit through the back door.

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