Chapter 1

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Daniel's POV

Great, another day at the police station. I'm starting to think maybe this job wasn't fit for me. I mean, nothing ever exiting happens and I never get called to do the fun jobs like patrol carnivals or fun fairs.

I get out of bed, slowly I might add, and walk towards the bathroom. I slowly open the door and turn on the light and walk in. I start my morning routine : I brush my teeth, have a shower then shave my face. I notice bags forming under my eyes, that must be from early morning and late nights I tell myself.

I walk out of my bathroom and towards my closet so I can get dressed. I start putting my uniform on piece by piece. After about five or ten minutes I'm finally ready. I take one last glance in the mirror before stepping out of my house and onto my front door step. I then locked the door and turned towards my car to unlock it. I step inside and start the engine. Nothing. I turn the key again hoping for a reaction. Again nothing. Well looks like I'm getting the bus to work today.

Good job the bus was already on its way because I was already late for work as I'd overslept. The bus pulls up to the stop and I get on, it takes about ten minutes to get to the police station from my house, I tell myself.

I look out the window to see a boy with brownish blonde hair and piercing green eyes staring straight at me. I could've sworn I'd seen his face somewhere before, but I couldn't think where.

But what I did know what that he was cute.

Ahhhhhh, well hope you enjoyed the first chapter of 'bad cop'' this is my first book so sorry if it's terrible :D 

I'll try to update it as often as I can ❤️

Word count = 369

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