Chapter 2

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Joey's POV

I heard my alarm go off and slammed my hand onto it. This resulted in it falling onto the floor. But did I care. No. All I was bothered about was who my next victim was going to be. I thought long and hard about who's family I could ruin next. I couldn't think of anyone else in this town I haven't already mentally scarred.

I got out of bed and started to get dressed. I pulled my black skinny jeans on with a black top and put my leather jacket on. Before leaving I checked I had everything : phone, wallet, bus pass and knife. Yep, I was set to go.

I walked all the way to the nearest bus stop and waited for the 92 bus. Most days I would take my car but the stupid thing wouldn't start. So I was stuck taking the shitty public transport.

I saw another bus stop right across the road from me, I scanned the bus to see if there we anyone worth killing. I stopped when I saw a man around my age walked onto the bus. He had brown hair and illuminating green eyes. I noticed he had a police officer work clothes on so I quickly looked away.

Seeing as though I am the most wanted person in LA.

I decided to have another quick glance at him and noticed he was staring right at me. I felt all my muscles tense up. Shit. He knows it's me for sure. But when he smirked and winked at me I relaxed.

Maybe he could be my next victim.
No he was too gorgeous to kill.

What am I saying I have never had any feeling towards anyone ever. What makes him so different.

Maybe I have a crush on mysterious boy.

HEY GUYSSSS! Sorry this is quite short but I didn't have enough time to finish. 🐽

I'll try to get another chapter up this week if I can! 🐽

Word count - 334

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