Chapter 5

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Daniel's POV

I can't believe I actually invited a criminal to text me when I'm a police officer and should have locked him up. They can't blame me because it was so dark. Can they?

He was expecting me to text him so that's exactly what I did. I can't let him know that I know it's him.

I texted him a simple "Hey it's the guy from the park, my names Daniel by the way." And pressed send.

Maybe it wasn't the same person and I won't lose my job over this.

After what seems like forever he finally responded. The text said "Meet me at the park in one hour." I then started to panic. He was defiantly going to kill me. I'm going to die. I'm his next victim. A list of thoughts ran through my head about what he wanted.

After an hour I grabbed my coat and left my house. I then headed in a direction towards the park. When I reached the park I walked towards where we first met. I rush of panic ran through my body as I saw him. He was dressed in all black and looked so sexy. His hair was pushed into a perfect quiff to the side. I slowed my walk when I got closer.

The first thing he said to me was "I'm not going to hurt you so don't look so terrified."

All I could reply with was "Well I could lose my job if I'm caught with you so that's why I look like this." Smooth I know.

He opened his mouth to saying something but was stopped by police syrans blaring nearby.

All I saw was him run off.

Before I knew it I was running after him and I had no idea why.

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