Chapter 4

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Joey's POV

I walked into the super market with my hood over my head and a pair of glasses on. I cannot be spotted by anyone or i'll be arrested. I grabbed a basket and headed towards the cutlery section. I searched for about 10 minuets just to find the sharpest knife, that would do for my next victim.

I walked out of the cutlery section an started to walk towards the fruit and veg area. I mean criminals have to eat too. I grabbed a few different types of vegetables and placed them in my basket. I then proceeded to head to the check-out so I could pay. All together the knife, the vegetables and the other goodies i had bought came to about $30. Outrageous. I defiantly know who my next victim will be.

I didn't notice until I got home but I had been distracted all day and I couldn't think of any reason I would be. I thought long and hard until it all got the better of me. I decided to go for a walk in the park to clear my head. I grabbed my phone, my wallet and my new and shiny knife. I placed these all in my backpack and walked out my front door, remembering to lock the door behind me.

As the park is only around  the corner from my apartment, it didn't take long to reach it. I entered the large silver gates that separated the park from the busy road on the other side. I decided to walk along the trail path along the outskirts of the park. I must have been walking for some time because before I knew what time it was, the sun was already setting. I knew the park would be closing soon so I started to make my way to the silver gate.

When I finally reached it I noticed that there was a man in a blue police officer uniform on. Before I could do anything, the young man had already turned around and was pointing his torch straight at me. I may have not got a great look but his face looked really familiar like I had seen it somewhere before. Was he famous? No. A police officer can't be famous. I snapped back to reality when he spoke.

"Hey, sir, this park is closed. You need to leave." His eyes sparkled in the moonlight.

No, Joey keep your feelings inside you can't like someone. Criminals are not capable of love.  Especially when the person you're crushing on is a police officer.

"Yes, I know I lost track of time and didn't realise how late it was. I'm just leaving." I said and practically sprinted out of the park. As I was about to leave the gate I heard him shout something to  me. I couldn't quite make out all the words but I made out some.

"Can I get your number so we can meet up again?" he practically shouted.

I froze.

What am I supposed to do? I cant exactly go up to him and put my number in his phone with my contact name "Joey" I may as well put "Joey Graceffa massed murderer and criminal."

I slowly turned around and walked back to him. I punched my number into his phone and put the contact name simply as "J <3" so he didn't suspect anything. I just simply said "text me" and then walked out of the park and down the main road that led to my apartment. I ran inside and slammed the front door and ran up to my room.

I got ready for bed and brushed my teeth and finally got into bed. As I was drifting off to sleep I heard the ding of my phone. I searched for it and checked who it was. It was an unknown number.

"Hey, it's the guy from the park, my names Daniel by the way."

I didn't even bother answering it, I was that tired. I was finally falling asleep again when I suddenly remembered where I had seen that cop before. I had seen him at the bus stop this morning.

Damn. Why do all the good guys have to be cute

This chapter was a little longer than the others, I hope you enjoy it!


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