Chapter 3

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Daniels POV

I arrived at work at around 8.00 as the bus journey didn't take so long. I don't start work until 8:30 so I decided to grab a coffee from the coffee machine in the staff room.

As I was making my coffee, I noticed a poster stapled to the wall in front of me. I walked closer to it, as I thought i'de seen it somewhere before. As I got closer enough to see it clearly, I noticed it was a male, I'm guessed around my age, with raging green eyes and hair styled perfectly to the side. It had the name 'Joey Graceffa' printed at the bottom of it and the words 'WANTED' in big letters underneath it.

I examined it more closely as I couldn't quite make out where I had seen it before. I must had been staring for quite a while because o was interrupted by one of my co-working trying to catch my attention.

"10 minuets until you start work, don't forget to sign in at the desk." One of the other police officers told me. I think his name was Jason? I wasn't too sure. Do they think I'm stupid or something? I have worked at this police station for nearly 2 years. I think I know where to sign in.

The main police officer had assigned me to patrol the nearby park at night. So I geared up, grabbing my equipment and leaving around 4:00. As it was getting into the winter season it was getting darker a lot quicker.

I was about to close the entrance to the park gates when a man around my age came running up behind me. I could hardly see his face because it was so dark, but what I could notice was that his eyes sparkled in the moonlight. He looked like he was in a rush to get out of the park and I knew he shouldn't be here as it was after hours.

After a while I finally spoke. "Hey, sir, this park is closed. You need to leave." Was all I managed to get out.

He looked uncomfortable but he spoke almost instantly after.

"Yes, I know I lost track of time and didn't realise how late it was. I'm just leaving." He said. And he started to sprint towards the gate.

"Can I get your number so we can meet up again?" I practically shouted

I had no idea why I had said that I didn't even know the man. And I'm already asking him for his number.

All I saw was him tense up and begin to walk closer to me. He grabbed my phone and I saw him type his number and name in.

He handed it back to me and walked off.

All it said was "J <3" I wondered what his actual name was or if it was just J.

I decided I should warn him that I was going to text him so I shouted to him

"I'll text you."

I fell asleep that night wondering who it was and why he didn't want me to know what his name was.

As I was drifting off to sleep I remembered the name on the wanted poster at the station.

"Joey Graceffa" could that be him? I remembered how the mans eyes in the park glistened in the moonlight.

There's was only one person with eyes like and that person was Joey Graceffa.

Why do all the cute guys have to be so cute.

This is the third chapter to 'bad cop' I hope you enjoyed it

Work count - 608

Bad cop [Janiel]Where stories live. Discover now