Chapter 6

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Joey's POV

I woke up feeling really uneasy and off. I had no idea why i just didn't feel myself. I did my normal routine : Shower, teeth, then hair and then i walked over to my dressing table and saw my phone had a notification. I remembered that that cop texted me last night and i didn't answer. I decided to text him back and see if he would meet up with me...

"Meet me at the park in one hour." was all I put and I pressed send.

I just need to know if I can trust him, he was cute so I might be able to bribe him someway.

After about an hour I started to head out I put on my black leather jacket and started to walk out my door. I locked my door and started to walk in what seemed like the direction of the park. I didn't tell him specifically where about's to meet me so i just guessed he would come to where we first met.

I was probably stood there a few minuets until he finally showed up. He was wearing a white t-shirt and a leather jacket like me. This was the first time I had seem him without his uniform on and I liked what I saw. He seemed really nervous to be around me. I wonder if he knows who I was. Shit. I can't get arrested, I be in prison until I die if I do.

He looked like he was going to pass out any second if I didn't say something. I said something I thought would make him fell better and relax but all it did was make him seem more uncomfortable.

"I'm not going to hurt you so don't look so terrified."

All he replied with was, "Well I could lose my job if I'm caught with you so that's why I look like this."

Was his job the only thing he was worried about, God this boy is actually quiet annoying to be honest.

I had opened my mouth to say something else when police sirens and lights surrounded me and filled the air. For the first time in a long time...

I had no idea what to do.

This fucking kid I've known for literally five minuets grassed me up. I knew I couldn't trust anyone anymore. I knew that when my family betrayed me a long time ago.

I saw a little opening in the wall next to me and stepped through it and ran at full speed in the other direction. I noticed that I wasn't the only one with the same idea. I saw Daniel, I think his name was, step through straight after me.

I had no idea why but he looked petrified. I'm the one that could be arrested if caught. It's not like he's gonna get a life time sentence in prison.

I knew he didn't know what to do so I did what any criminal on the run would do and grabbed him and began to run next to him. We had to get back to my house before they spotted us.

Is this boy changing me?



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