Chapter 7

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Daniels POV

I saw Joey start to run so I did what any police officer would do and ran after him. I was terrified. I was running straight after a murderer. I thought to myself if I was asleep. I pinched myself. Nope, it's defiantly not a dream.

Before I knew it I had caught up to him. I was surprised that I caught up to him so fast, seeing as though he has been running from the police for God knows how many years.

I saw that he was climbing through a little gap in the wall to lead into a little town very close to the park. When he saw that I had followed him through, I half expected him to kill me then and there, but instead he grabbed me and started to pull me with him. I could only guess that we were going back to him house...

We were walking in silence for what felt like years...

We neared a little apartment on a corner street, a few blocks away from the park.

"I'm guessing this is where you live"? WOW smooth Daniel hello captain obvious.

"No, Daniel this a random persons house i'm breaking into." he answered.

I raised my eyebrows at his comment and he added, "Of course its my house, I kill people, I don't steal. I half chuckled to myself. He just admitted that he's a murderer to a police officer.

When we made it into his apartment he ran and shut all of the curtains leaving us in almost pitch black. I kept forgetting that I was alone with a criminal and could be killed at any moment. He sat down on his sofa and motioned me to sit next to him. I did as instructed. I don't want him to hurt me. He began to speak.

"Did you give me up to the cops or not"? he started.

"No of course not, why would I do that." I replied.

"I hear there's a nice reward for finding me..." He said sassily. "Maybe I should give myself up, I need the money."

I wasn't listening to word he was saying, all I was focusing on was his piercing green eyes staring straight into my soul.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry Iv'e been so inactive lately.

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