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  My name is (Y,N) (L,N). My life started as any other child. You would say that I lived in a happy house hold, my parents loved me to pieces but they had no clue of what they had to face as soon as my birth. I was born was a power, my parents were fascinated by how wonderful my gift was. I was two years old and lifting my toys up with the force when ever I wished to. Everyone else saw it as I was some sort of monster. I wasn't. 

  As I started to grow up I resized that I wasn't the same as the other kids. Some people would even point it out calling me a freak even before they met me. They did the best they could to avoid me, since I grew up around normal people I guess.  I dug my small fingers into my white bed sheets, I couldn't take this pain anymore.  As a young child I should have people to talk to since even the teachers were afraid of me. Tears strum down my face, I couldn't handle this.  How can I be normal? How can I change so that I can fit in? That girl, I think her name is... Madison. Everyone loves her, she has the prettiest hair and the most gorgeous skin tone and what ever was the latest thing. Her parents were rich and she had everything she could ever wanted, I would say that my parents made a fair amount of money but they don't brag about it or anything. 

  My mother knocked on my door gently as she always did. I memorised everything about her, even to the last detail of how she walked to her smile. She was clearly worried about me, I knew that worried look that worked  onto her face when she would see me like this, since this wasn't the first time. "Oh (Y,N) what happened my dear?" I wiped away my tears and told her everything. Of course she held me and told me that there's nothing wrong with me at all and that I have been given a wonderful gift. I knew that no one in my family were like this, or had anything like this. 

  I would normally hear voices. I would want to hurt people that I love or know for a instance. I never told anyone because they would deem me as crazy. The voice sounded almost smoky, like something you would expect from black smoke. But just as evil would talk to me, there was always good. The voice was different and it was one of a woman's voice, soft and sweet and leading me where to go. But, I'm conflicted by the two. 

  After holding me, my mother left my bedroom and kissed my forehead goodnight and told me not to think of such things as I didn't. I could hear her talking to my father outside of my door as soon as she shut it. "Brad, It's time," What does she mean by that?

"I don't know if she is ready, she is still so young yet," My father always saw me as his little baby, even if I'm now eleven. "I don't know if Luke would help her," 

 My mother breathed out,deeply, "People don't understand what she's going through, we both knew that one day this would happen," My father nodded, I just knew that he did, my mother always had a way of winning arguments.

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   The next morning I woke up to my parents having their morning coffee, this time it didn't  feel like it normally did. Mother had her hands shaking a bit as she took a sip from her steaming cup. "Good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" 

  You nodded, truthfully you felt better after just sleeping it off, "Mom, what were you and dad talking about last night?" Your mother looked at your father and then back at you. 

  "Sweetie, you are a very special child and sometimes given your power curtain sacrifices have to be made." What ever could she mean? They are all you have, they can't be sending you away! 

  Your father finished the rest for your mother, "Which is why you are going to be sent to a very important school where you can meet people like you and they can help you," How could they possibly help you? 

"Y- you're sending me away?" My voice gave away what I was feeling with ease. Fear, terror, one of those two.

   "It's for the best and we will see you again, everything will be fine my dear," They told me everything about the new school that I was to be sent to, they told me about the people there and how I am to pay the utmost respect to the people there. This was going to be a good change and I will never have to see the people that were afraid of me again. 

My father spoke of a man named Luke Skywalker. I have heard about him before, how he freed our galaxy from the evils of the empire. It would be wonderful to train with him, or at least have him teach me and maybe one day I could even fight my own Darth Vader. 

*                                                                                      *                                                                                                     *

 My parents took me to a planet that I've never heard about in my life, it was called Coruscant. It was a colourful city that I was brought to. My father told me that it wasn't safe in the under cities at dark. They held my hand and led me into a temple of some sort and the place was something like I've never seen before in my life. 

   "Ah, this must be (Y,N)," 

You nodded your head, you had no clue what to say to this man since he might even be the hero that you've heard about all too much. 

"Don't worry little one, I'm Luke Skywalker. I'm going to be your teacher," From that very moment you had to say good bye to your parents and it was time to grow up, to be a Jedi.

   Everyone here were quiet and could do the same things as you could, but something was different with one kid. His name was Ben, he normally kept to himself and didn't really have any friends. The others would make fun of him because of how much he talks about his grandfather: Darth Vader himself. He was also Luke's nephew. "Uh- hi," I don't really know how to interact with people like me. He just was different in a way and it kinda drew me towards him.

"You're (Y,N) right?" You nodded shyly, "It's nice to meet ya kid, I'm Ben Solo," He held out his hand and smiled. You shyly shook it and the two of you played and became close during that time. It turns out that he wasn't much different then you, and that was a start to a very beautiful friendship. He was such a sweet kid, always putting you before him and never ever being selfish. It was beautiful how you had an amazing friend to always be there for you. But comfort wasn't going to last long. 


    I knew Ben Solo all my life and no one I knew was prepared for what he would do next. I grew up with him and we did everything together and there was no tearing us apart. Until what he did next. It changed everything. My thoughts, feelings towards him, just everything felt as if it was gone. 

Over the time that I grew up with him, I developed a crush on the kid. He was really all I had close to a friend and was always great to talk to. He was abandoned just like me, his parents left him just as they did to me. I wasn't alone.

I remember the damage that he caused. How he killed so many, he just looked at me when he found me and raised his lightsaber before he just couldn't do it. I saw the weakness in his eyes, he really didn't ever want to hurt me. He just told me to get the hell out of there and I did. After that I never seen him again. 

I really wanted to find him. I missed him more then anything, even though I'm now  twenty-three years old. It didn't even bother me nearly as much before but now I can't seem to get him out of my head. I still had that crush on him and I told no one, but he was just gone. I was old enough and had a place by myself. I knew I had to at least look for him if Ben wouldn't find me. I wasn't going to fail my best friend. 

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