Chapter 4- School with a Hangover

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Enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 3:

I feel like shards of glass are poking the backs of my eyeballs. Its like the desert overtook my mouth. My limbs feel heavy, unresponsive, and reluctant to move.

Can't forget the unrelenting misery of a headache.

Why the fuck did I drink so much last night?

And what even happened? Wait, what time is it? What day is it?

I raise myself up out of my bed, wondering how I even got here, and look at the clock. 7:15 AM. Ugh. I sleep until like 10 am the least in the summer. Wait! It's not summer anymore! No. No! No! No! No! NO! I want summer! Not schoolwork and homework and classes and no time to hang out!

Why the hell would I drink before the first day of school?

The first day of school is always the worst. Going back to school and seeing the people you thought you would never see again. Ugh.

"Ow. My head hurts."


"Calm down." I say to myself as I plop back down on my bed.

I get out of my bed, and wonder what happened last night. I sit on the floor, rest my back on the wall, and think of what happened. I know I went to Honor Bar, then I had a couple beers and then I called Greg Olaf. And then I think I had some more to drink, and I met some guy on the dance floor. I think we danced and I kissed him? Or he kissed me? I don't know. Oh! Then I danced with Francisco...who was speaking English? No, that doesn't make sense. Ah, whatever, I don't think it matters.

I walk over to the bathroom and open the cabinet where I keep Advil. I take 2 pills with some water, and pray for the headache to go away. I brush my teeth and hold my head. I wash my face and run my fingers through my hair, hoping it was good enough for school. It was kinda straight. I exit the bathroom and put on some makeup and then I dress by putting on some jeans and a shirt with some jewelry.

I walk downstairs and curse at myself because I forgot to wake up Francisco. "Shit. Francisco. I do not feel like going upstairs."

"No tienes que, estoy aquí." (No need to, I'm right here.) Francisco scares me.

"Shoot. You scared me. Oh Spanish, right." I rub my head to think of some Spanish. "Um. ¿Quieres desayunar?" (Want breakfast?)

"No, your, um mom gave me."

I smile at his English. "Good job! Okay, its um..." I look around for a clock. "7:45?!?? We need to go! Wait shoot, Spanish! Tenemos que ir!" (We need to go).

I grab my backpack that was thankfully in the same spot I left it on the last day of school, and I grab my phone. "Francisco, estás listo? All this rushing is hurting my head." (Are you ready?)

"Sí. ya voy." (Yes, I'm coming)

I wait at the door, and check the time as Francisco comes walking around the corner. 7:53. Ugh, school starts in 107minutes.

"Let us go." Francisco says with a really cute Spanish accent.

I open the door, walk out and unlock my car. I climb in and Francisco follows. We head off, and the wind hits my face, which is not helping the headache. "Siento ayer por la noche, generalmente no soy así. Acabo de ver jake y sabes." (I'm sorry about last night, I'm not usually like that. I just saw Jake and you know.)

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