Chapter 5- Chemistry and Cookie Dough Ice Cream

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"Caterina." I hear a Spanish voice enter my ears in a sing-song voice.



Pok- "What?" I snap as I turn my head towards the imbecile that is Francisco and interrupt his poking. 

"What's the answer to number 5?" He asks sheepishly. 

We're in Chemistry right now, and we're balancing chemical equations. "Figure it out." I respond as I get back to working. 

"Come on, you're on number 10! Just tell me which element to do first!" He begs. 

"Iodine." I sigh as I give in. 

"No talking!" Mr. Gerard interrupts.

I can feel the gaze of Jake on me, but I ignore it. My phone buzzes in my back pocket, and I take it out to see that I have a text from Jake. 

Jake: What's going on between you and Franny boy?

Cat: Franny boy?

Jake: Yeah, the fucker sitting next to you.

I laugh to myself as I look at Francisco. 

Cat: You know, I used to be stupid, but then I dumped you.

Jake: Look, Nicole was an accident.

Cat: Cheating is not an accident. Falling off a bike is an accident. You don't trip and fall into a vagina.

Jake: Give me another chance.

Cat: A relationship is built for two. Obviously you didn't know how to count. Goodbye Jake.

The bell rings, interrupting my staring contest with my phone. 

"Class dismissed, hand in your worksheets at my desk. They are going to count as a grade, so if you didn't try, I suggest you study for the quiz in two classes." Mr. Gerard announces as a collective groan vibrates through the class as he announces a quiz. I put my phone away and glance at Jake. He's looking at his phone, and when he looks up, his gaze meets mine. 

He gets up to hand his worksheet, and as he passes me, he whispers in my ear, "You're mine Caterina. I will get you back." 

I shiver at his vicious tone as everyone gets up and hands in their sheets in the front of class. Of course, I'm last to put mine down, since I stood at my desk for a bit, shocked at Jake's words. I turn to leave but Mr. Gerard says, "Caterina, may I have a word?" 

Oh shit, he saw me on my phone. I'm going to get my second detention of my high school career. I'm not going to college. I'm going to become homeless and beg for money on the street- "Yes Mr. Gerard?" 

"Francisco is Issac's exchange student right?" He asks, surprising me, as I was sure I was about to get a detention. 

"Yes sir, but you know Issac. Him and his random week long trips to god knows where." I answer with a smile.

"So you're taking care of Francisco for now, right?" I nod in response. "Great, so you wouldn't mind tutoring him right? I mean he lives with you, and you're one of the top students, and he's not doing so well in this class."

Well I can't say no. "Sure, I would love to." I say with a closed mouth and tight nod.

"Thank you Caterina! Oh- pardon me, Cat." He finishes with a smile as he walks past me to exit the classroom, leaving me and the empty room. 

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