Chapter 4- Whipped Cream and Studying

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A/N: I'm sorry about the disgusting titles, I just want to give the readers an insight on what the chapter's like and just ugh

"Damn what the hell is she wearing?"

"I know, she looks like a 9 year old."

"Is she wearing her pajamas?"

Nicole and her minions, questioning my style choice, like always. I roll my eyes with a smile and yell back without stopping my walk, "Kiss my ass Nicole!"

I think I look okay. I'm wearing black joggers with nike roshes, a random gray short sleeve shirt, and my hair is in a messy bun. Cute but comfortable. I know it's not designer, but I didn't really feel like it today.

"Nothing to kiss!" Nicole replies back about my ass.

I turn around and blow her a kiss with a sickling smile on my face, still walking until I'm out the door. Chloe and Rachel were beside me the whole time, and when I get outside Chloe starts laughing, "You should've seen her face! How do you not get offended by her comments?"

I do. "I don't really know, they don't faze me. I know she's just jealous." I lie easily, I've been doing it for a while now.

I wish that was true. But hey, fake it until you make it, right?

"I wish I was as confident as you." Rachel says softly.

I'm not confident. "You have nothing to worry about Rachel. I'll always be right next to you to bitch slap anyone who gets in your way." I offer her a smile with my vulgar words. My smile falters as I think about what Nicole said. Do I really not have an butt? Maybe I should start doing squats.

"Hey Cat, wanna help me cook dinner? It's my turn tonight, and you know.." Chloe asks and offers me a sheepish smile.

Chloe's family takes turns to cook dinner, and Chloe cannot cook for her life. She used to just order takeout and serve it like her own, but her parents found out and they forced me to help Chloe learn.

I tilt my head back with a laugh as I respond, "Sure. I'll come now and finish my homework at your house tonight too. I have to be home around 8 though, Francisco and I are partners for a lab and we have homework due tomorrow." I say as I remember that it's Tuesday, and we made plans to work together.

"Lucky bastard." Chloe mutters. "I wish I had a cute Spanish boy living in my house that was my lab partner!"

"He's something. More than just a cute Spanish boy for sure." I whisper as I see Francisco leaning against his motorcycle looking fine as hell, talking to some girl in a miniskirt and a tank top.

Chloe follows my gaze and says, "Where the fuck did he get a motorcycle? Did you mom buy him one? Can I get one?"

"No you idiot, that's Issac's." I say as I realize I forgot to take Francisco to school today. I guess he had to find his own means of transportation, but couldn't he have just called me? I could have turned around and picked him up again.

I walk over to Francisco, leaving Chloe and Rachel where they are, and turn to the girl he's talking to, and I recognize her as Kendall, a girl I know. "Hey Kendall, can you excuse me and Francisco for a second? I need to talk to him." I say sweetly.

"Cat, we're kinda in the middle of something." She mutters as her eyes flicker back to Francisco.

"You two can flirt later, I need to talk to him." I argue as she turns on her heel and leaves. Francisco stares at her retreating backside and I roll my eyes. Seriously, one day my eyes are going to fall out. I lean against the car behind me, standing across from Francisco and say, "Hello?"

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