Chapter 7- Froot Loops

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A/N: Picture of the dress she wears attached. It's so cute


I'm sat, clad in sweatpants, hoping to spend this Saturday at home, as I have no plans. One of my favorite episodes of Friends is playing on the TV right now.

For the next hour, I play solitaire on the couch, eat, go on my phone, eat some more, watch more friends, and now I'm stuck here eating. Again. Shocker.

"You've cleared out half this kitchen in the past half hour. How are you not fat yet?" Francisco muses as he enters the kitchen, surprising me and causing me to drop my spoon into my cereal, making a loud bang.

"What can I say? A girl gets bored." I say as I turn to face him.

"So when you're bored you eat?" He questions with an amused smirk on his face.

"Duh." I say as if it's the most obvious thing in the world, while taking another spoonful of my cereal.

"Froot loops?" He asks as he rummages through the fridge for something.

"Huh?" I grunt, mid-spoonful as Fransisco's head is still in the fridge. When he comes out, he's smiling, and I remember our conversation about Froot loops.

"How ladylike." Fransisco observes. "and are you eating Froot loops?"

"Yeah I am. I would give you some but you made fun of them." I say with my head held high, taking another slurp of my food.

"That's alright. I like Lucky Charms instead." He mentions, whilst pulling out a Lucky Charms box from the cabinet.

My mind wanders off as he pours himself a bowl of cereal. I think about Fransisco, and his English. He's definitely lying about not knowing English, I just don't know why. He's been speaking much more English than what you can learn in a week.

Maybe he just wanted to come to America, and this was the only way.

I don't want to pry him about it, it seems like something he doesn't want to talk about, considering he only speaks English with me. He uses Spanish with my mother and everyone at school.

I can't help but feel special.

"What are you smiling about?" Fransisco inquires at the same exact time I blurt out, "How much English can you actually speak?"

So much for not prying him about it.

Fransisco smirks as he responds, "So you were thinking about me."

I roll my eyes, "You're too modest."

He over dramatically sighs, "My mom and dad spoke English at home, so I just picked it up." I open my mouth to ask something, but he cuts me off, "Yes, I can speak it fluently."

The shock hits me like a bullet, even though I suspected something like this. I expected something like, 'I know the basics,' not 'I can speak English fluently!!'

I open my mouth to say something, but close it. "What are you doing in America then?" I muse quietly, putting my hand on top of his.

His eyes flicker down to our conjoined hands before he takes a deep breath and gets up, "That's a story for another time." He puts his bowl in the sink and leaves me alone.

Thoughts swarm my head about possible theories as to why he's in America, but are cut off by my phone ringing. I pick it up and Chloe screams, "I am the best friend ever!"

"And why's that?" I laugh as I put away my cereal.

"Because you have no plans on a Saturday night, and I'm about to give you some!"

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