Sat January 23, 2016

5 1 0

Today I'm gonna answer some weird thing I got dared to put in my story:

1.) Single? No

.) Crushing? Eh
3.) Favorite food? Pickles/Cheese
4.) Favorite color? Green
5.) Favorite music? Rock
6.) Favorite band? KoRn
7.) Talents? Guitar, drawing, writing
8.) In love? Unconditionally

9.) Hobbies: Surfing & Music

0.) Gamer? In more ways than one

11.) Swag/emo/scene? Swag

2.) Long/short hair? Short
13.) Height? 5'2
14.) Jacket/Hoodie? Either
15.) Eye color? Blue/Green
16.) Hair color? Black/ Brown
17.) Shirt color? Not wearing one
18.) Jeans or shorts? Jeans

19.) Get married? Hoping

0.) Have kids? Maybe

21.) Get divorced? It's a possibility

2.) Still do wet the bed? Hell no
23.) Had or have depression? Yes
24.) Daydream? Sometimes
25.) Thought of food? No
26.) Someone you love? Dixie Hammond
27.) Someone you hate? Lilly Foster
28.) Dream job? Lawyer
29.) Got tattoos? Yes
30.) Got piercings? Yes
31.) Worst day of your life? The day I lost my uncle
32.) Best day of your life? May 10, 2014
33.) Biggest fear? Being touched

34.) Biggest insecurity that I know of? My body

5.) Tight clothes or baggy? Tight
36.) Athlete or Geek? Both
37.) First love? Callie Ann Rogers
38.) First Kiss? Can't remember
39.) Sexuality? Lesbian
40.) If you could go back and change anything what would it be? Hurting the girl I loved most

So there it is...some of them I'm not very much sure why people would need to know those things but aye if it makes people happy so be it.

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