The Bet That Broke Me: Chapter One

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The book has been completed but is under editing and is currently you being rewritten. The sequel and third book can be found on my page. Titled Finding Love & Following In The Bad Boy's Footsteps.

All rights are reserved.

Any names events or scenes in this book are 100 percent fiction, products of the author's imagination. If any similar names, events, or scenes appear in different stories it is purely coincidental. It is annoying me to that some will comment and say "Aiden Parker, She's With Me?" And so on. I did not realize that the two characters shared the same name. I have completed this book and I'm not going to go back and change Aiden's name because another character has the same name. It wouldn't be The same without Aiden. A lot of characters in books have the same names as a lot of people in real life share the same names (first and last, there is quite a few with my name) it is not a big deal. I apologize to the author of she's with me. ( though there is no need to) I am sorry that our characters share a name by coincidence.

Please respect my work and do not try to claim it for your own.

No hate or spoilers will be welcomed. If you post a comment spoiling a chapter or the book for someone else, I will remove your comment. If I find you keep commenting spoilers, you will be blocked from commenting.

Feel free to comment negative things but they will be deleted/ignored seeing how they are meaningless.

Feedback would be appreciated.

Sorry for any grammar and punctuation mistakes. If you see a mistake feel free to comment and tell me, I will go fix it. If you would like songs attached to the chapters, comment giving me song ideas and I will add them to the chapters.

I hope you enjoy this story!

Love you all!!




I guess that's one of the many disconsolate words I could choose to describe myself.

Broken and miserable.

I was left that way five years ago when my parents died. I was thirteen years old. Just a child. What does a child do when she learns her parents are dead? She clings to the only person she has left.

Except, that person didn't want her. My older brother was the only person I had left and even he didn't want me. He sent me off to florida to live with our aunt and uncle and their daughter, who we had only seen not even a handful of times.

The world that I knew, stopped spinning. Frozen on its axis. A single day, that's all it took to change everything. The day my parents died was the day my life stopped meaning something.

And a single day was all it took for Aiden Parker to come barreling into my life, crashing into me so hard that he sent my world turning, so fast that even I couldn't stop it.

Chapter One

I stare at the blurred reflection of myself in the bathroom mirror. My vision, taken over by my tears regardless of my efforts to keep them from falling. From what I could see, my eyes were puffy and my nose had turned a pinkish color. My chin quivered harder at the sight. My heart ached.

The Bet That Broke Me ~ Book•1 ✔️ (this book is currently being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now