The Bet That Broke Me: Chapter Eleven

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"I don't give a shit just leave her out of it."

"Whatever man." Dylan rolled his eyes at me, causing my irritation to grow. Dylan, Eli and Jason were piled in my living room as usual. We were all talking bout shit until Dylan decided to bring Ali's name into the conversation. Hearing him talk about her in that manner made my hands twitch. When he commented on how her body looked, I had to hold back the urge to punch his face in. It wasn't because I gave any shits about her, because I didn't. I just had to play it off that way. My lips twitched at the thought of her face. It was amusing every time someone called her my girlfriend, especially when I said it around her. Her face would get all red and she'd try to hide her face, it was actually fucking adorable.

I threw my finger up at him before taking a swing of my beer, "Fuck off."

"We'd believe you if you didn't look at her like that." Eli hopped into the conversation. I sent a death glare his way. There was nothing that separated her from the other girls I've messed around with.

"I look at her like I look at ever other girl." Whether they believed it or not, Alison was fucking hot. Especially when I showed up to take her on our date. She wasn't wearing one of her oversized sweaters. Instead she was dressed in a tighter outfit. When my eyes landed on her curves, it was hard to hold myself back. I knew she had a body under all those layers of clothes, and I couldn't wait to explore it.

Dylan tossed his hands up, "Alright." No one else said anything for a while. Probably because they saw how annoyed I was getting. If they didn't shut their dick mouths I would have started punching one of them or throwing something at them. They were bitches, but they were my best friends and they were absolute dogs, but so am I.

In the silence, my mind drifted back to Ali. I wonder what she is doing right now. It was almost nine so I'd imagine she'd be studying or sleeping right now.

"Get out of my house." The guys all looked at me confused.

"What?" Eli paused the tv.

"Get out, I have to do something."

"The movie isn't over yet." Eli protested but I didn't give a shit.

"Get the fuck our before I throw your irritable ass out."

"Whatever." Dylan was the first out the door.

"Later loser!" Eli ducked and rushed out the door before I could chuck something at his annoying face.

"See ya." Jason flashed a look before shutting my door.

I dialed the number I memorized on my phone. My body relaxes into my couch as I listened to the rings.

The rings went silent as they were followed by a sound that I hadn't realized I missed, "Hey." The soft voice spoke through the phone.




I tossed the books off my lap and onto my bed. I grabbed my phone and headed for the door, "I'll be right back." Hailey gave me an odd look as I hurried down stairs, trying to get to the back porch and fast as possible.

I don't know why I was so eager to answer the phone. He hasn't talked to me since this morning when he walked me to class. I waited for him at lunch but he never showed. Which led me to eating by myself since Kelsey had to serve in school suspension. I waited for Jake or Hailey to come but neither of them showed and Jake wasn't in class. So my day was pretty sucky.

"Hey." I smiled unknowingly into the phone. Instantly feeling embarrassed by my eagerness. He was probably smirking on the other side. He knew of his affect on me and he ate it up like it was candy. He loved embarrassing me, and it drove me mad.

"Hey." The sound of his voice warmed me up.

"Where were you today?" It wasn't my business, but I really wanted to know what kept him from me. Aiden had spent most of his school days walking with me through the hall and eating lunch with me, it wasn't like him to skip out especially without telling me.

"I had to do something. I should have texted you, I'm sorry. Did you eat lunch by yourself?" There was a weird tone at the end of his question.

"Yes, Jake and Hailey never came."

"Good, I don't like Jake anyways." I scoffed at his immaturity, my smile slipping from my lips. There was no explanation for him to dislike Jake. He was a nice guy and Aiden knew it, everyone knew it.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at his comment, glad that he wasn't able to see my expression.

"He's not nice. He's just trying to warm you up." My face fell at his words, but not because they were true to Jake, but because they were true to Aiden. That's exactly what Aiden was doing to me, warning me up, or at least it felt like it. This past month has made me think about a lot of things. Most of them involving the undeniably attractive person on the other end of the phone. The one who I am beginning to crush on. I knew it was stupid and I beat myself up for it but there was no changing my mind. It wasn't the type of crush where I gushed at his every move. I didn't tell my friends about him or how cute he was. And I didn't fill my diary with his name.

This crush was different. He made my heart flutter but he also made me nervous, and not in a good way. I thought he was hot but certainly not cute, there was nothing cute about Aiden. He was dark and mean and always on edge. This was a crush where I loved hearing him talk to me especially about himself, which he hardly ever did, but you couldn't ask him too much or he would get moody and shut down. This was a crush on a boy who was most likely going to break my heart more than it already is.

"Alison?" Heading him call my name pulled me back into reality.


"I asked if you had a good day."

No. I didn't. I never had a good day. But today was different, it changed when he called me.

"Yes." There was crash through his side of the phone.

Aiden mumbled curse words under his breath. "Shit. I gotta go Ali. Goodnight." The line went dead before I could respond. I dropped my phone the wood planks beneath me and looked up at the dark sky.

My fingers ran through my dark hair, "What am I doing?"

The Bet That Broke Me ~ Book•1 ✔️ (this book is currently being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now