The Bet That Broke Me Chapter Twenty Eight

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"There are many different rehab facilities in this state. All great centers that reach out to families such as yours."

"I just couldn't handle sending her to one. I wanted to be the one to help her, but I know that I can't." Lily's voice held back her sobs.

"Most parents don't like the idea of their child being away from them in times of need; but I genuinely think that Alison would benefit greatly by attending one of these rehab centers." Through peeked eyes, I watched as my doctor handed Lily and David pamphlets.

"Ah, look who's awake." Noticing my spying, The doctor turned his attention my way. Lily and David glanced at the papers in their hands before focusing all their attention onto me. My body was less sore than it was when I originally woke up in this bed. Now I was able to push myself up so that I could sit against my pillows.

White cloth covered my self inflicted wounds on my wrist. My eyes drifted up to the wall behind Lily and David. The mirror was gone. Aiden was gone.

"I don't want to go to a center for mental people." My words were completely insensitive but I didn't give a single shit.

"Alison, it's not for mental people. It's for kids who just need a little help." She was gentle as she spoke, almost like she was addressing a child.

I guess she thought she had to be cautious with me. Careful with her words unless she wanted to deal with a tantrum like an immature child would throw.

"I am not a kid."

"We know that honey, we are just trying to decide what is best for you." David took his place by the side of my bed.

"What your parents are deciding, it isn't Alison. In fact; a decision takes a toll on them just like it does you. In the beginning of this no one is happy. But in the end, I've seen so many families come out stronger."

To me sending me to a rehab center was just a reminder that no one wanted me. Just like my brother when he sent me to live with Lily and David. Because he didn't want me. No one wants a damaged kid.

"But I'm okay! I promise you. I feel fine." I confessed a lie.

"Alison, honey, you tried to kill yourself. You are anything but okay." Lily's broken voiced stressed.

My eyes dropped back to my wrists. Not only once but twice because the first hadn't succeeded.

"I'll give you time to discuss." As the doctor left the room he held the door open for someone waiting on the other side. A tall man with blond hair stepped into the room. He was dressed in a simple black t-shirt and blue jeans. It reminded me of Aiden.

The man's eyes were familiar the second mine connected with his. Yet I had no idea who he was.

"Hey," In his hands he carried flowers.

Lily looked from him to me like she knew something that I hadn't. A churning in my stomach caused me to grow nervous. "I'm so sorry Ali." And with his words everything hit me.

Playing in the back yards as kids. Dressing up together on Halloween. Sneaking downstairs on Christmas morning before mom and dad woke up. Sitting on the bleachers at his football games. Screaming cheers as he scored a touchdown. Going out for dinner and ice cream after every game. Crying and begging him to stay when he left for his first year of college. Crying and begging him to stay when he sent me to live with Lily and David.

After five years of pretending that I didn't exist; here my brother was- standing in front of me with flowers. As if fucking flowers would fix the part of me that he broke.

I always thought I'd bust out in tears if I ever saw him again. I waited for them but they never came. Venomous words took their place. "Get the fuck away from me." Ryan winced from my words yet his feet didn't budge. Tears welled up in his blue eyes.

"Please just let me be here for you." He pleaded.

"Be here for me? Where the hell were you when I needed my brother for five years."

I had never heard my voice sound like this. Not even when I told Aiden that I hated him.

"No matter what I say will ever take those years back. A million apologies couldn't even take my decision back and I know that. I know what I did will haunt us both for the rest of our lives, but I am here now and I want to be here for you now. You are my little sister, Alison."

"And you were my big brother, Ryan." His head fell hopelessly.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you." His gripped loosened around the flowers causing them to almost fall out of his hands. His shoulders shook violently as he sobbed freely. The only time I had ever seen my brother cry was in the middle of the night a day after our parents died.

On the day they died, he kept it together. But the night after I had woken up from nightmares. I went to take comfort in my big brothers room but as I stood outside his barely opened door; I heard his silent cries. And I watched as he clutched my father's favorite suit jacket. And my mother's favorite book.

The was the only time I saw him cry and he never even knew. He didn't even shed a tear on the day I left for Lily and David's. Even when I threw myself around his waist and refused to let go.

Now he stood in front of me, pleading with me to not send him away. I never thought about vengeance for what he did to me. Perhaps this is the revenge I had subconsciously been seeking.

Whether I wanted to keep taunting him or not; truth was that I would never continue this even if deep down it was what I desired.

"Please stop crying. I can't handle the noise." My fingers rubbed my throbbing temples. His head lifted at my change of voice.

"I don't want to talk to you right now. I don't know when I will want to, but I am not like you and I won't leave you to suffer by yourself. Unlike you, I will come back. So please just leave my alone right now." My brother stood there for a second catching ever punch I threw with my words. Finally he turned for the door; leaving the flowers on the back of one of the chairs by the door.

As the door closed behind him I turned back to Lily and David who had stayed silent the whole time Ryan was here. "What were you too busy deciding which home to send me to?"

Lily shook her head at my words before wiping her tears and heading for the door. "I need some air."

David had stayed but only to scold me for how I spoke to his wife, "Alison, be nicer to Lily. This isn't easy on any of us. Especially her as your mom. Lily is breaking at the thought of having to send you away for a few months. But she is killing herself by thinking what if she had lost you the other night. Or last night when you carelessly tried to slit your own wrists,"

"I know you think you are broken and that you can't be fixed, but Lily is breaking herself so she can fix your missing pieces."

My vision blurred with tears as David places a kiss on my forehead.

"We do love you honey."


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The Bet That Broke Me ~ Book•1 ✔️ (this book is currently being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now