The Bet That Broke Me: Chapter Four

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My hands stayed in my lap as I stared at the pile of fries in front of me, trying to ignore Aiden's watchful eyes on me

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My hands stayed in my lap as I stared at the pile of fries in front of me, trying to ignore Aiden's watchful eyes on me. I didn't feel like eating, especially with him taking in every movement of mine. In fact, I didn't dare to touch the food. There was no way I would pig out in front of the most attractive guy I've ever seen.


I tried not to jump at his voice. Finally, I looked up to see Aiden had already eaten the majority of his food. He had ordered us both a cheeseburger with fries and soda, though I refused to eat all of mine, only forcing down one bite of the cheeseburger and a few fries.

"Do you want something else? I'll buy you whatever you want."

Why was the known asshole being nice to me?

My fingers begin fiddling with my sweater, "You said you wanted to talk."

"Mhm," he took a sip of his soda, "Why did you run out crying earlier?"

"I. I was expecting Amber or somebody to jump out and laugh in my face."


"Because you said you wanted me."

"Well, what's wrong with that?"

My face sunk, embarrassed and ashamed of myself, "No one wants me."

Aiden's eyes narrowed as I spoke. "If that were true would I be sitting here with you right now?"

My head popped up at his question. Hope. A part of me hoped that he was being honest. I knew he wasn't but I still held it to my heart.

"I don't know." Lamely, I shrugged.

"Why do you believe no one wants you?"

"Some people are apart of my life and some people aren't. The ones who are apart of my life always become people that "were" in my life and the people who aren't in my life make no effort to be in it."

He was clearly annoyed at my response, "People are shitty." He did have a good point.

"Why do you want me?" He looked up from his food, starring at me for a few seconds too many. I bit my tongue, waiting for him to give me an answer. Aiden's eyes roamed my face, flashing from eye to eye as if he was trying to analyze something.

"Because I want you."

What in the hell was that supposed to mean? He was impossible! How could he say that he "wants" me and can't even give me a proper reason why? This was a game to him. I was a game. My head begins to throb. I was going to start crying again.

We sat in silence for a little bit. I forced myself to eat a few more bites of my burger, not wanting to be ungrateful for his kind gesture. By the time I was done eating, I felt sick,  like I was going to throw up everywhere. I hadn't eaten this much in a while. Usually, I'd eat small things like cereal bars or just a few bits of food and space it out through the day so I wasn't completely starving myself. Eventually, my body just adapted to it.

Without being caught, I did my best to sneak glances at Aiden. Every few seconds when he wasn't looking, I'd notice different little things about him. Like how his jaw seems to get sharper when he turns his head or how when he catches someone looking at him for too long, his eyes narrow and the skin between his brows creased. I hoped he wouldn't look at me that way if he caught me staring for too long.

Quit being creepy Alison.

"Are you done?" Aiden interrupts my thoughts.

"Yes." I gave him a short nod to which he briefly noticed. He was quick to dump our leftovers, probably wishing to end the awkwardness that had taken over the both of us.

"Why do you act so complex?" My brows knitted together at Aiden's question. Did he really just ask me that?

"That's funny coming from you." I don't know where the sudden burst of attitude came from but I sort of didn't want it to go away. There was no reason that I should sit here and let him act as if he is in complete control of me. The old me wouldn't stand for this but now, I knew I wouldn't do much about it. People walk all over me and I let them. My voice was never heard before so I quit trying, and once again no one ever took the time to notice.

So when Aiden actually heard me, something lit up inside me.

"You have a point." Admittedly, Aiden glanced at me as we walked out of the diner, side by side.

"Can I take you for a ride?" He motioned to his motorcycle. His voice was less demanding and more gentle than it was earlier. He was actually giving me a choice. The question is, what will happen if I say no?

The nerves piled in my stomach as I peered behind Aiden's broad figure, trying to get a better look at his bike. I'd never been on one before and to be on Aiden's, made the thought of riding one worse. There was no trust between us so therefore I didn't feel comfortable riding with him. I barely knew him.

Warily, I shook my head, "No." I paused for a second, waiting to see if he was going to be angry with me. When he didn't argue I continued, "I should be getting home."

He nodded and turned his focus to the sky, which was turning a deep grey color with huge dark clouds scattered about. "Looks like it's going to storm anyways."

"Yeh." My hand fiddled in my pocket for my keys. Aiden, still watching the sky.

I took this as my chance to slip away, "Goodbye Aiden." I mumbled under my breath as I headed for my truck.

Just as my hand gripped the door handle, I was prevented from opening the door, "I'm taking you on a proper date on Saturday, Ali."

A pain struck my heart, spreading throughout my body, causing tears to fill my eyes. My knuckles turned white from how hard I was gripping the cold metal of the door handle. That name.

That name.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I barely turned my head, not wanting him to see that I was crying, "Don't ever call me that again."

Next update will be posted tomorrow, Friday, November 9th

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Next update will be posted tomorrow, Friday, November 9th.

Hope you guys enjoyed reading.
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Sending love as always,

Rose (Emily R Andrews)


The Bet That Broke Me ~ Book•1 ✔️ (this book is currently being rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now