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"It must be pretty embarrassing needing a babysitter in high school," Jane told Ethan, sending a small sweet smile to Grace before she looked back down at her colouring book and proceeded to colour in. Ethan rolled his eyes at the eight year old girl, who was sat colouring in while Grace and Ethan did their homework. Grace didn't mind homework that much; she always used it as an excuse to get out of going to places like parties or outings with friends and friends of friends. Because of this, she couldn't really complain about having homework,especially since it saved her from looking awkward in front of people she didn't know.

"Howdy partners," Grace heard, causing her to look up from her homework to see her aunt and uncle standing in front of them, both wearing southern themed outfits. Grace smiled at them, remembering how the two of them had told her that they were going to a country-line dancing type of thing and how they had to dress up in a type of country fashion.

"Ain't she purdy as a twenty dollar bill in a ten gallon hat?" Ross asked, glancing at his wife with a smile on his face. Grace smiled; she thought it was cute how Ross and Samantha still showered each other with compliments after the many years the two of them had been together. Part of the brunette girl hoped she'd find someone that would do the same for her. She hoped she'd find someone that showered her in compliments and let her know how much he loved her.

Grace looked away from the two adults, glancing down at her homework. Her cheeks were, lightly, tinted pink after she had thought of Benny when she thought about wanting to find someone that would treat her the same way that her uncle Ross treated her Aunt Samantha. Why do I keep thinking about stuff like that? She asked herself, completely confused as to why she kept thinking about things like she had been doing, recently. She didn't even know if she had a crush on Benny and, if she did, she doubted he'd even like her as anything more than a best friend.

"Um, mom? Dad? I just want to say that you were right, we-" Ethan was cut of by Grace clearing her throat to inform him of his mistake, "Oh, right, yeah. I shouldn't have left Jane unattended last week, and I've learnt my lesson. So, you can cancel the sitter and save twenty-five dollars," Ethan told his parents, clearly trying to get out of having a babysitter. Grace knew it was embarrassing to have a babysitter; she knew because people would assume she needed one as well just because she lived with Ethan.

"Ethan, I already told you. I'm not going to leave you alone with Jane until I know you can be trusted," Samantha informed her son, before glancing at Grace, "And, it's not fair on Grace if she has to babysit your little sister every time we have a date night, even if she is your cousin or more like a sister to you. She's like another daughter to me but she's still your cousin and she shouldn't have to look after Jane on her own, Ethan." Samantha explained, causing a smile to grow on Grace's face.

"Sorry pal, she's the Sheriff," Ross added once Samantha had left the room, "And, Grace, sorry if this ruins your reputation at high school. We just didn't feel like it was fair on you," Ross added.

"It's not a problem, uncle Ross; people tend to ignore my existence when I'm with Benny and Ethan because we're all 'dorks'. I'm fine with it," Grace shrugged, being one hundred percent honest. Ross smiled at his brother's daughter before he danced out of the kitchen to see where his wife had wandered off to. Grace watched as Ethan closed his textbooks and stood up.

"Fine, I'll be in my room, alone," Ethan groaned before he walked out of the room and up the stairs. Grace rolled her green eyes- which were the same as her mother's- before she let out a sigh. She stuffed her completed homework and her textbook into her school bag before she glanced over at Jane, who continued to colour in whatever she was colouring in.

"I'm going to check on Eth, Janie. I'll be back down soon," Grace told her youngest cousin before she got up, ruffling Jane's dirty blonde hair as she passed her. Jane giggled, nodding her head before Grace flashed her a smile and left the kitchen. The brunette girl made her way up the stairs and walked down the hall to Ethan's door, which was around the corner to her bedroom door. The green eyed girl knocked on his bedroom door, hearing a muffled 'what?' come from inside, "Hey, Eth. Mind if I come and hang out in here for a little while?" Grace asked, opening the door to Ethan's room.

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