☾ n i n e; g o o d b y e, J e s s e ☾

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This is it. We are finally getting rid of him.

The thoughts ran through Grace's head as Ethan pulled into their driveway; nerves were building up inside of the girl as the pressure of saving all of the teenage souls rested on her and Ethan's shoulders. Ethan got out of the car, leaving the girl to stroke an unconscious Benny's forehead once more. She hated how she couldn't have stopped him from being knocked out cold. However, it was either Benny got punched in the face or Sarah was killed and she didn't want people to die. The guilt was still eating her away inside, though.

A sigh escaped her lips as she wondered how she was going to wake Benny up. Ethan had told the short, brunette girl to stay in the car however she couldn't help but feel as though she should be helping her cousin. So, she tried shaking Benny's shoulder's, only receiving a groan from him; Grace wanted nothing more than for the older, taller, brunette boy to wake up and calm her down by, simply, holding her hand or pushing her behind him when they were in a battle.

"I'll be back soon, Benny," She whispered before she shrugged her black, leather jacket off and placing it under her crushes head, closing the car door, softly, behind her to ensure that his headache- that came with his concussion, didn't get worse. Once the door was closed, the girl sprinted to her backyard, only to see Ethan and Jesse stood a couple of meters away from one another. So, the teenage girl ran to stand beside her cousin, who was more like her sibling.

"Yeah, well, I'd say their only mistake was not finishing the job," Ethan snapped back at the vampire, who Grace had heard saying 'until your ancestors burned my flock alive' as she had ran into the backyard. The girl felt, slightly, confident again but could feel it fading before she even had the chance to use her confidence. Her nerves were almost getting the best of her; her heart pounding so fast that she thought it was going to jump out of her chest. It wasn't pounding like it usually did when she was around Benny, in a good way; this was nerves and it was bad.

"You two made me miss my target, so the rest of my flock may have to wait a little longer," Jesse informed them, causing Grace to frown as both she and Jesse looked at the cubile animus, "That's fine, I still have enough Dusker souls here to resurrect a few dozen of the most powerful vampires that ever lived," Jesse added.

"Oh, honey, you really think we're gonna let you do that? Especially when that box isn't even your property, it's my mom's," Grace snapped at him, causing Ethan to smirk, slightly. He liked the fact that Grace's feisty side was beginning to show.

"We'll see about that, but know that you two will have the honor of being their first midnight snack," Jesse informed them, "Oh, about your mom, Grace, she's a vampire. So's your dad," Jesse told the brunette girl, who's breathing hitched. Her parents were vampires; they were alive but, for all she knew, they could have been fighting for the wrong side. The vampire side.

"You're lucky, because I'm going to reunite you with your flock right now, just not in this world," Ethan threatened as he pulled out his dagger while Grace got into her battle position with her hands in front of her, ready to use her powers. However, things started to go in slow motion. Ethan's dagger was flown to the side by Jesse's magic and both teenagers were sent to the ground, struggling to move.

"It's funny, I knew your grandfather's grandfather, and he was a loser too," Jesse taunted them, causing Grace to growl at him. Grace used her magic to shake Jesse's spell off before she stood up, about to help Ethan before she was sidetracked.

"Courage!" Ethan and Grace heard Benny call as he ran towards Jesse. However, Jesse used his magic to throw Benny back, causing the boy to land on the floor next to Ethan. Grace helped them up, the magic already worn off of them, before she turned to look at Jesse, who was getting ready to resurrect some of the Dusker's souls.

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