☾ t h r e e; v a m p i r e ☾

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Benny had, somehow, managed to get his grandmother to take care of Jane. Grace didn't know how he had managed to convince his grandmother; she was, pleasantly, surprised when she had agreed to take care of her younger cousin. The three of them had left not long after Grandma Weir had turned up, Benny taking a large bag full of cameras and wires. Grace didn't know what the cameras and wires were for; she didn't even know why Benny was carrying a large bag around with him.

She simply watched as he rummaged through the bag, dropping cameras and wires everywhere, meaning that he had to stop and pick them up. Benny proceeded to drop more wires and cameras, some he didn't realise he had dropped. Those were the ones that Grace had to pick up once she had sent Ethan a confused glance- one he was already sending his short, brunette cousin. She just rolled her eyes as Benny dropped more cameras that she had to bend down to pick up.

"What is all that stuff?" Ethan, finally, asked. Benny turned back to glance at his friends, briefly, before he turned around and carried on walking down the street, Grace jogging the slightest bit to catch up with him. She turned her head to look at him as they walked, handing him the camera she had in her hand. He smiled, thanking her before glancing back at Ethan. Grace was waiting for Benny to answer Ethan's question- which was the same thing she was about to ask the tall, brunette boy.

"Digicams with night vision infrared. You can't possibly expect we investigate the supernatural realm without the proper equipment," Benny finally answered, causing Grace to pull the 'fair point' face before she realised she was falling behind again due to the fact that the boys had longer legs than her. So, she had to jog to catch up again, causing Benny to chuckle at her, which she glared at him- playfully- as a response to his amusement. She rolled her eyes at him before Ethan spoke up.

"Fine, just keep it on the down-low, okay? She already thinks I'm a perv," Ethan told his best friend, who just nodded slightly before coming to a stop. Grace and Ethan turned around, looking at him. Both were wearing confused looks on their faces, wondering why Benny had just paused in the middle on the street.

"You said her reflection wasn't all there, right?" Benny asked Ethan, who nodded and replied with a simple 'yeah'. Grace rolled her eyes, not wanting to dwell on the weirdness that seemed to, slowly, be turning into an issue for the three of them, "Here's a thought: what if this is just a publicity stunt for that stupid Dusk movie? IF THIS IS A PUNK, I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!" Benny shouted, turning around and pointing in random places. Grace started freaking out, running over to Benny and grabbing his arm- which was pointing at everything- and lowered it before pulling him back over to Ethan.

"Benny, shush! I don't wanna be caught by anything or anyone that could seriously hurt or, possibly, kill us," Grace told him, her voice soft, kind and quiet. Benny looked down at her, nodding the slightest but, before Grace let go of his arm, which he felt his heart drop at. He had noticed the all-to-familiar butterflies they had caused. He liked the butterflies but didn't like the fact that he felt the low, sinking feeling when she let go, which happened everytime she let go of his arm, shoulder or hand. He knew it was out of fear she would find someone else's hand to touch or that she didn't feel the butterflies as well, which was why she let go.

"Come on. I think she was heading towards town," Ethan told Grace and Benny. Both of them nodded before the three of them proceeded to wander through the streets of Whitechapel until they reached and eerily quiet and strangely empty town. Grace felt fear growing inside of her; she wanted to hold someones arm or hand so that she could feel some sort of comfort. However, Ethan was a few steps ahead of her and Benny was the only one close enough for her to hold hands with. Sure, her and Benny had held hands before but it was before she started getting the butterflies in her stomach everytime she did so. It was safe to say that she restrained herself from reaching out her hand to take Benny's due to her fear of rejection and her fear for, possibly, crushing on her best friend.

Control • Benny Weir [1] (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now