5 months pregnant

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I'm now 5 months along. We found out we're having a girl at my last doctor's office. As expected, Jake's mom Tanisha reacted well, but my parents did not. They freaked out and kicked me out, so I moved in with Jake. We were laying in bed one night when he looked at me and said "Y'know, Our little girl needs a name."

"Yeah. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. I haven't come up with a first name for her, but I think her middle name should be Elizabeth." I said.

"I like it. I actually had the name Karolynn picked out, but not her middle name." He said.

"Karolynn Elizabeth Puckerman. I like it. Kinda long, but I like it." I said, laying my hand on top of his on my stomach. Since we found out, he's had his hands on my stomach every chance he got, it's just gotten worse since I started showing a month ago.

"Yeah it is kinda long, so I was thinking we could call her Kara for short." He said, smiling at me.

"It's perfect. So Kara, you finally have a name." I said. I felt a tiny bump in my stomach and realized she was kicking.

"You feel that Love? She's kicking." I said excitedly, grinning widely.


"Is this the first time she's kicked?" I asked. I really hoped so, because I didn't want to miss her first kicks.

"Yeah. Well, it's the first time I've felt her move." He said.

I scooted down in bed where my face was level with his stomach and kissed it.

"Hey Baby Girl. I love you and your Momma so much." I said.


I pulled him back so we were at eye level and leaned in and kissed him and said "We love you too Daddy." Smiling widely, he wrapped his arms tighter around me, hands resting protectively over our daughter as we fell asleep.

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