Karolynn is One!

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I can't believe it's already been a year since I gave birth to our little girl. Jake and I struggled to adjust to parenthood while juggling high school, but once we graduated things got better. After we graduated, we got our place and got married. We now attend The University of Ohio at Lima. I'm majoring in Law, despite the dyslexia I battle and having a baby during senior year I graduated on time with honors in the top 5 of our class with Jake, Unique, Kitty, and Marley making the rest of the 5. Jake is trying to open a dance studio. Enough about us, our sweet Karolynn has grown so fast, at 6 months she said her 1st word and and started crawling, and by 9 months she could speak fluently and walk. We're having a huge party for family on Saturday, but we want her actual birthday to be just us. Jake and I have come such a long way with her. She and Jake just got home from the store. "Momma!" She exclaimed running to me. "Hey Baby Girl. Did you and Daddy have fun?" I asked, swinging her in a circle. "Uhuh!" She said. "Well she did. My wallet on the other hand, did not." I laughed. "It's not her fault she's so spoiled, it's ours." I said, tickling her and smiling widely as she giggled. Nothing warms my heart more than her giggle.


I love my little family more than anything, most teen fathers think by leaving their girlfriend/boyfriend they can go on with life the way they planned. But I couldn't imagine life without my husband and our daughter. Ryder came up and kissed me. "What are you thinking so hard about Daddy?" He asked, winking at me. "Nothing much Momma, just how much I love you and her." "We love you too. There's no way we could've survived her first few weeks, let alone her first year without you." "I couldn't survive period without you two backing me." I said, kissing Kara's forehead and pecking Ryder's lips with my own.

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