8 months pregnant

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Me and Jake are currently at his brother's house visiting him and his 3 year old daughter Beth Mackenzie Puckerman. Her mother Lucy Quinn Fabray wanted to give her up, but Puck stepped in and said he'd raise Beth on his own before he let Quinn do that. So, that's what happened. Jake absolutely adores his niece. "So Baby Brother, Quinn said some nasty things to me while in labor with the little Munchkin. Just be prepared for Ryder to do the same." Puck said. "Daddy, I'm not a Munchkin." Beth protested. "I'm sorry Princess." He said, leaning down to kiss her tiny cheek. "Jake, I'm gonna go a head and apologize for and tell you I don't mean a word of what I most likely will say." I said. "I'll still love you. No matter what." He said, kissing my forehead. "Eww gross Uncle Jay, Uncle Ry!" Beth exclaimed, wrinkling her tiny nose. "Quiet Munchkin." Jake said. I laughed softly. I love my family and I can't wait for mine and Jake's daughter to join the crazy mix.


Since I got pregnant I try to avoid looking in the mirror because I'm insecure about what I see. I know Jake could have any guy or girl he wanted, so the fact that he picked me amazes me. Especially since I've gotten twice as big as I was when we got together. Reading my mind, Jake came up behind and wrapped his arms around my waist, resting his hands protectively on my belly. "I love you so much Beautiful." He said. I smiled softly as he kissed my cheek. "Even though I'm huge? I love you too by the way." He spun me around to look into his eyes. "Baby, listen to me, you are NOT huge. You are however pregnant with my little girl. You've never been more beautiful in my eyes. I love you and our baby girl more than my own life. Never doubt or forget that." "How did I ever get so lucky? You are going to be the most amazing Daddy to ever exist to this baby. "I'm the lucky one Baby." Overcome with emotion, I kissed Jake with as much love and passion as I could muster up.

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