Part 1

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Returning home from her shop, Kristen tossed her keys on the breakfast bar in the kitchen, putting a bag of groceries on it too. The house was oddly quiet, as she went to look for either her kids or Lindsey. Walking up the stairs, she heard Stella and the nanny, Grace, going in to say hi, before checking in on Leelee and Will, who were both in their rooms, occupied with whatever.

Walking into the bedroom, Kristen frowned, not finding Lindsey there. She went to his studio, finding the door locked as well. His car wasn't in the garage either. Making her way back up the stairs, she went to ask Grace if maybe Lindsey mentioned something.

"Nothing else, besides saying he was leaving for a while."

"Well, thanks."

"Is everything okay, Mommy?" Stella asked, as Kristen forced a smile.

"Just fine, sweetie."

This was weird.

Lindsey often wasn't in the house, but most of the time Kristen would find him in the studio. Telling herself not to overreact, she headed into the bedroom again, in need of a change of clothes, hoping Lindsey would be back before long.

But then it got dark and there was still no sign of him. She tried calling of course, but he didn't pick up once. What's going on, she thought to herself... Maybe, just maybe he went out with someone from the band and he forgot to mention it? No, he wasn't that irresponsible, he wouldn't make her worry like this.

How was she supposed to know he was okay, though? What if something horrible happened, God forbid! For some reason, Kristen decided to call Stevie. She knew Lindsey like the back of her hand and while she may not know his exact whereabouts, she definitely knew the way he was thinking in various situations. Maybe, if Kristen opened up about the fight they recently had, Stevie would have some ideas?

She could count the times she called her husband's ex girlfriend on one hand, but this wasn't funny anymore, Kristen was sick with worry.

After bringing herself to dial the number, Kristen waited and there was an answer on the other end in just a few moments.


"Stevie, it's Kristen."

"Um, okay."

"Have you by any chance spoken to Lindsey recently?"

"I can't say that I have, no. Why?"

"He just left today, while I was out and he hasn't come back yet. He doesn't answer my calls either."

"Well, did something happen between you two? Like an argument?"

Kristen hated this, without even mentioning it, Stevie already knew.

"I, um... yeah, kind of."

"You know how he gets sometimes, shuts everyone away and deals with stuff on his own, then returns as good as new."

"That's true, but I'm really worried, he always tells me things."

Stevie didn't want to sound mean, but she had no time for this right now. "Listen, Kristen. I'd like to help, but I'm not sure how. I haven't spoken nor seen Lindsey and I have too much going on, to be solving Lindsey related mysteries right now."

"I'm sorry, I didn't even think before calling you."

"It's fine. I'm sure Lindsey is too."

Hanging up after an abrupt goodbye, Stevie sighed, going back to her previous task of packing her things into boxes, using the back of her hand to wipe the sweat off her forehead.

"Are you finishing up?" Stevie nodded, without looking up, using a marker to write on the box, to know later what was in it. "You really shouldn't-"

"I'm going to stop you right there, Michael. We have talked about this about a hundred times. I am moving out of this house, I cannot live in it. Too many memories..."

"But it is what it is today, because of you. You put so much into creating us a home."

"Jesus! That's exactly why I want to leave. You're right, I put my heart into turning this house into a home for us, it's a family home and not a property I got, when we were dividing stuff during our divorce."

Every time she mentioned it, it still stung him. He loved her and she wanted out, because she wasn't happy anymore. Michael tried just about everything, wanting to show Stevie that there was still something between them; he bought her flowers, he bought her gifts, he took her on vacations, he said the most beautiful words to her, but at the end of it all, despite everything, he received divorce papers anyway.

"Have I done something? We've been married for a long time, we have two daughters..."

Taking a deep breath, Stevie shook her head; she was getting tired of this. She didn't know how else to say the same thing over and over again to make Michael realize they were over.

"I'm not jumping from joy." She said. "Yes, of course it's upsetting, ending it after so many years, but I am not happy in this marriage anymore. I'm not. Why do we have to go over this every time I come over for something?"

"Because I love you and I don't understand why we're separating."

"I do not love you, Michael. I respect you, I love you for Gabi and Maria, but I don't love you romantically. You have to accept it – we are done."

Sighing heavily, Michael hung his head low, the familiar feeling of tears stinging his eyes. "Is there someone else? Have you fallen in love with another man?"

Looking over at him, Stevie felt sad. Michael was a good man; a good husband and father, but their marriage simply ran its course. Approaching him, she gently gripped his forearm, to get his attention.

"There's no one. I simply think it's unfair to you if I stayed, but I still wished to leave. Neither of us would ever be happy with it. I know it and you know it too, but you refuse to accept it."

"I can't imagine life without you." It broke her heart, seeing his lip trembling.

"I won't be completely gone, you'll still see me."

"But it won't be the same. I won't get to hold you, kiss you..."

"Honestly, I just... we're once again going through the same conversation. I don't see the point of doing that, because you do not listen to me."

"You don't either."

"I-" Stevie was going to reply, but the phone started ringing once again.

Going to pick it up, she hoped it wasn't Kristen again, she really didn't have the patience right now.

"Yeah?" She answered, sounding tired.

"Steph, I need you."


Okay, so... I will be continuing with Save Me, but I'm not really sure where to go with it at the moment, and I had this suggestion in my inbox and decided to start with it. Thank you, HauntedSong22 :)

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