Part 12

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Having been slightly hesitant at first, Stevie allowed Lindsey to stay overnight in the end. He did seem like he needed someone, her especially. Although, she did remind him of his own words, when he said he didn't expect anything. She realized that soon her divorce would be final and very possibly she would find herself in another relationship, which Gabi and Maria would have to be okay with. But she wanted to cross that bridge, once she got there.

Pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder, Stevie brought her hand up to his face, running her thumb over his cheek, as she leaned in closer and whispered. "Good morning."

Grunting, Lindsey slowly opened his eyes, tightening his arm around her. "Why are you up so early?"

"Because... well, because I want you to sneak out unnoticed."

Giving her a 'are you kidding me' look, Lindsey closed his eyes for a moment, before asking. "Why? Are we always going to be playing this game?"

"Well, I don't want anyone to know. Not yet."

"You mean, you don't want your daughters to know."

"No, everyone, honestly. Dave and the whole gang is coming in a couple of hours, Sharon and Lori are going to start asking questions and share their, usually not wanted, opinion... I'm not ready for all that, Linds."

"But I'm supposed to be here today, too. We can just say that I came early."

"You don't have to come back today, we can record the song together some other time."

Sighing, he didn't have much choice but to give in. "This seems unreasonable to me, but okay."

"Don't say that, it makes me think you're mad at me now."

"I'm not." He shook his head, pecking her on the lips. "Really. It's just that... we've talked about this, I thought we both knew where we're headed and now you want me out, before someone could see me. It makes me wonder, that's all." 

"Lindsey, I assure you, I have not changed my mind about anything. I still love you, I still want to be with you, but you can't expect us to just dive right into it."

"I don't, but..." Shrugging his shoulders, he pulled the covers away and sat up, reaching for his clothes. "Whatever."

Not wanting to dig herself into a bigger hole, Stevie didn't say anything back, waiting silently while Lindsey got dressed. She then stopped him, before he could reach the door, placing her hands on his forearms, looking at him, without words, asking yet again if they were okay. Sighing, Lindsey drew her closer in, kissing her on the forehead, then smiled a little.

Stevie opened the bedroom door and walked out into the hallway, seeing as no one was around, she took Lindsey by the hand and led him downstairs and out of the house, as they then found themselves standing in front of each other again. 

"I wish you could stay, I do, Linds." She said, hugging herself around the middle as it was quite chilly outside.

"Stevie, it's fine. All is good, we're good." He told her once more. "You should stop worrying and go back to bed. I'll call you."


"I'll see you soon." He turned to walk towards his car and she - back inside the house. 

Closing the door not to make any sound, Stevie exhaled deeply, running a hand through her hair as she began walking towards the stairs, but then she heard Gabi, calling her from the living room.


"Oh, you're up already?" 

"I've been up for a while." Gabi nodded, seeing her mother becoming instantly nervous. "You don't have to hide from us, you know." Sighing, Stevie took a seat on the couch, still avoiding eye contact. "I didn't mean to, but I overheard you two talking last night."

"I'm sorry." Was the first thing on her mind, although, she didn't really have anything to be sorry about.

"The one thing I couldn't stop thinking about was, how do I call him? Is he like... my Dad now or is he your boyfriend, or Lindsey, or..." Shrugging her shoulders, Gabi trailed off.

"You don't have to stress about it, sweetheart. If Lindsey and I do end up together, he will not take your father's place, absolutely not. No one could just step into the shoes of the man who was there since the day you were born, who adored and took care off you since your very first breath."

"I don't think there's an if, Mom. It's not easy hearing you say you love them, when it's not my Dad you're saying it to, but... well, you and Dad haven't been like that for so long. I know you two think I'm too young and too stupid to understand, but I do. I've seen things change between you, it was simply too hard to accept the truth that now I have to split my time between the two people I love in this world the most."

"I know it's not, sweetie, but-"

"No, you don't have to explain it to me all over again, I get it. And I'm not mad at anyone in particular, I'm mad at the whole situation. If anything, I love you so much, Mom... And I'm sorry for how I've acted lately, I didn't mean it. I definitely didn't want to hurt you in any way."

Opening her arms, Stevie showed for Gabi to scoot over, as she then wrapped the girl tightly in a hug. "I love you, too. And I couldn't be happier you told me all of that."

After a quiet moment, Gabi then looked up, saying. "I think Lindsey's pretty cool."

Smiling, Stevie nodded. "I think so too." She laughed lightly, feeling as if this heavy weight had been lifted off her chest. She really didn't want to find herself in a place where she had to make a choice - her children or the man she was in love with.

"It's fine if he's around, when we're here also. I guess, we're going to have to get know him better."

"He will be so happy to hear that."

"I really liked spending time with you yesterday. Maybe... maybe we could stay longer?"

"Of course. If only you wish to, sweetheart."

"Great! I think I'll go call Dad then."

"You do that, I'll go make something for breakfast." Stevie said, pressing a kiss to Gabi's hair. 

It was almost unreal just how all of sudden, things were falling into their places...

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