Part 15

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"I hate hospitals." Gabi grunted, as she, Maria and Stevie were on their way to visit Michael. 

"Yeah, well, you're here to see your father, so..." Stevie said, leading the way. "You know he'll be happy that you two came."

"I know, I know." 

Stopping by the room, Stevie opened the door and walked in, with the girls following behind her. Gabi lightened up instantly at the sight of her Dad, going over to him to greet him with a hug, then stepping aside to allow her younger sister to do the same.

"It's so good to see you!" Michael smiled, looking at his daughters, then he faced Stevie, who still stood near the door. "Hey there."

"Hi." She approached and stood at the foot of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Good. Actually, I'm getting released today."

"That's awesome, Dad!" Gabi beamed, sitting down on a chair, as Maria sat on the bed. "Maybe we can take you home?" She wondered aloud, turning from Michael to Stevie and back again. 

Seeing as Stevie didn't say anything about it, Michael shook his head. "No need, sweetheart. I'll call a car. I don't want to bother you."

"Nonsense." Stevie then said. "Karen is waiting outside, I'm sure she won't mind."

"Um... Are you really sure?" 

"Yes, I am. How much longer are you going to be kept here?"

"The doctor has to come in and check on me, I guess I'm free to go after that." He shrugged, adding. "But really, if you had plans or something, I'll find a way to get home, Stevie."

"It's no problem at all." She insisted and the subject was dropped, instead they started talking, catching up while waiting for Michael's doctor to show up and give him the thumbs up on leaving the hospital. Thankfully, they didn't have to wait for too long. 

"Could you hand me the crutches, sweetie?" Michael asked Gabi, who nodded and got up to get them. "I hate these things." He said, probably more to himself, as he got into position, from which it was easier to stand up. "Give that to me." He showed to the bag, that Stevie was already holding. 

"I'm pretty certain it's hard walking for you as it is, I can carry this. Look around, make sure if you have everything."

"I didn't have much stuff with me here, as long as I've got my phone and wallet."

"Your phone, of course." Stevie rolled her eyes, as it that was the most important thing and headed for the door.

In the parking lot, Karen noticed the four slowly making their way towards the car and she frowned. She wasn't the one to get too involved in other people's relationships, but Stevie was her boss and a friend for a very long time, and something was telling her, this wasn't good.

Getting out of the car, Karen walked around the back to open the trunk, so Michael's things could be put there. She then went to open the backdoor. "There's no rush." She said, seeing as he tried to get in faster than he physically could.

Once they were all settled in the car, Karen pulled out of the parking lot and sped of to Michael's, as he, Stevie and the girls conversed among themselves, while Karen observed it all in silence, shaking her head a little to herself.

"Thank you so much again." Michael said, when they arrived. "You lot saved me so much time."

"You're acting as if you're such a huge burden." Stevie said. "We care about your well being. Now, where are your keys?"

"Stevie?" Karen called out. "Um... Are you staying here or what?"

"For just a little. I'll help Michael settle in and then I'll call you or Lindsey."

"Call me." Karen said, sensing that Lindsey wouldn't be very happy about this situation.

"Will do. Bye for now then."

"Yeah." She got back into the car and drove away in a minute, leaving the four by themselves.

They went inside, after Stevie unlocked the front door, putting Michael's things down, as he then asked her away from the girls, who soon were minding their own business.

"Stevie, thank you for what you're doing, but honestly, I can handle everything myself."

"I don't mind." She shrugged, with one hand on her hip. "Instead of handling everything, you should go rest. I heard what the doctor said." She looked at him pointedly. "Do you want anything? Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"Ste-" He stopped himself and sighed, knowing that giving in was better, because she wasn't going to let it go that easily. "I suppose I'd like a cup of good coffee, not whatever it was I've been drinking from the cafeteria in the hospital."

"Alright. But first, let's get you to bed." 

Michael walked to the stairs himself, using the crutches, then Stevie put her hands near his middle, just in case he lost his balance, not that she would have been able to catch him... She then hurried ahead of him, opening the bedroom door, entering the room as she went to fluff the pillows up and pull the sheets away, so he could lie down. He stood back and started laughing, confusing her.


"Nothing, you're just acting like a..."

"Like a wife?" Stevie finished the sentence for him as he nodded. "I want what's good for you, Michael. Even if we're not together anymore, it doesn't mean I'm going to just let you struggle, when clearly you need someone there for you."

"And I thank you, again." He said, making her smile as she walked up to him, putting her arms around him. 

They stood, embracing each other for a moment, that started feeling as if it had been too long, when he then pulled back only slightly, pressing a kiss to her cheek, catching the corner of her mouth, lingering. She got too caught up in it, turning her head, so now they lips were touching...


They suddenly heard from the end of the hallway and instantly parted, as Stevie went to see what was going on, her heart beating fast. 

"Yeah? What is it?" She asked, entering Gabi's room.

"Maria and I were wondering if we could stay here? It's the weekend, so we don't have school, Dad won't have to drive us. We could help him with stuff maybe."

"Sure, if that's what you want." Stevie nodded. "Do keep and eye on him. I think... I think I'll be going."


"Mhm, I forgot something I needed to do."

"Well, okay. See you Sunday?" Gabi asked, making sure.

"Yes." Stevie confirmed and after saying goodbye to her daughters headed downstairs and out of the house, deciding that it was best if she waited for her assistant to arrive outside. She really couldn't face Michael right now.

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