Part 2

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"Are you leaving?" Michael asked, once Stevie said goodbye to Lindsey, seeing as she became pale. 

"Yes, I have to."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure yet, but apparently, Kristen was right to worry. He doesn't sound like himself, I... I'm sorry, but I have to go." The tone of Lindsey's voice... Stevie couldn't remember the last time she heard him so sad over anything. That was also what made her hurry - she didn't know what was happening, he simply begged for her to come see him. 

"I'll take you."

"No, Michael. I'll call a car."

The two men had never been the best of friends, but they weren't exactly enemies either. Naturally, Lindsey disliked Michael a lot, when he first appeared in the picture, but over time, he felt less and less of any animosity he held inside. 

Stevie was ready in record time, a car already waiting outside the gate, when she left the house. She got in and gave the driver the address, which she scribbled down. She didn't exactly know where she was going to be taken, as she had never gone to see Lindsey there.

It was close to midnight, when she arrived, wasting no time getting to Lindsey. He sounded desperate over the phone. Despite that they hadn't been in contact much lately, when either one of them needed the other, nothing else mattered. 

Knocking on the door, Stevie waited, looking around, hoping nobody would suddenly appear, before Lindsey did. The door opened in a minute, Lindsey taking her by the hand, dragging her inside, as he nearly crushed her in a hug.

She let him hold her for a moment, feeling his embrace starting to loosen around her, as she then placed her hands on his shoulders, drawing back a little. Taking one look at his face, she knew something was wrong.

"What is it?"

He stared at her a little longer, before taking them to the living area of the condo, which he had rented. They sat down and this silence was killing her. 

"Recently, I started having this pain in my neck." Lindsey spoke up, still clutching her hand in both of his. "At first, I didn't think much of it, thought, maybe it's me, getting older, and you know how I sometimes spend the whole day crouched over with my guitar... but then it got worse." He fell silent for a moment, feeling Stevie's eyes on him, as he just focused on their clasped hands. "I didn't say anything to Kristen about it, but I went to see a doctor."


"He... he found a lump in my neck."

Stevie's eyes welled up instantly, as she swallowed uneasily. She wasn't sure what to say, allowing Lindsey to continue.

"He said, considering my age... it..." He was struggling with words himself. "I'm going in for blood tests and biopsy tomorrow morning."

She let go of his hand, getting up on her feet suddenly, as she started pacing around the room. It couldn't be! It could not happen to him or to anyone she cared for, for that matter. She loved him, she needed him, he was the person, besides her brother, that she knew for the longest time. Despite their differences, despite everything they'd been throough - she doubted she could survive without him. He was the second piece of the puzzle, made up of the two of them...

"Nothing is certain yet, Steph." Lindsey said, seeing her reaction. He knew she wasn't going to take it lightly, but he didn't think she would be like this either. After all, nothing was for sure at the moment. "It might not be-"

"But it might!" Stevie cut him off mid-sentence. "I need you around, Lindsey." She looked at him, biting on her lower lip, willing herself not to lose it completely. 

"I'm not leaving you just yet." He sounded so sure, how could he sound so sure?!, she wanted to scream at him, when he approached and enveloped her in his arms again. "I wasn't going to say anything to anyone, but I knew the appointment was in less than twenty four hours and I started going crazy, couldn't think of anyone else but you."

"No, I'm glad you called me. Even if it's nothing, Linds, I'm here for you. I'm also going with you tomorrow."

"You don't have to do that."

"Yes, I do and I will. You will not argue me on this."

"I knew you were the person I needed the most right now." He smiled a little, stroking her hair, as her head rested on his chest. 

"Lindsey, you have to contact Kristen. She called me before you, she's worried about you."

"I'm not sure what to tell her."

"The truth?"

"No, not until I know." He shook his head. "I'll just say I needed some time for myself or something like that."

"She has the right to know, Linds. She's your wife."

"I know, but..." Lindsey trailed off, he really had no good reply. "Thank you for coming to see me. I acted selfish, not thinking you might have been up to something."

"I was only moving out of my house..." She sighed, enjoying him this close a little too much. 

"I still can't believe you're divorcing Michael."

"Honestly, I don't want to talk about it. Not yet, maybe not ever. The girls aren't taking it very well and that makes it a lot harder on me too."

"Okay, whatever you want. But you know, I'm always here for you too..."

Lifting her head off his chest, she tilted her chin up, locking their eyes. They were both too weak to resist the pull, drifting closer together, as their lips finally touched, eyes closing, the hold on each other tightening. She parted her lips, feeling his tongue brush against hers, as she couldn't fight back a moan, allowing it to go on for a moment too short.

But then something snapped inside of her and she made him stop, pulling away. 

"I'm... I'm sorry, I don't know what... what made me do that." Lindsey looked away and Stevie did too. 

"I should probably go." She reached for her handbag on the couch. 

"Yeah, yeah..." He nodded, following after her to the door. "You're still going with me tomorrow?"

"Lindsey, of course. Of course, I am." She nodded, both of them falling silent, as she reached for the handle. "Call your wife."

"I will." He promised and then she was gone. 

He couldn't not think about the kiss. Ever since she got married, this was the first time she didn't resist. Maybe it was because of the fragile state they both were in at the moment, but it didn't change the fact, he wanted it to happen again.

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