Part 17

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Stevie stopped calling after a while, Lindsey only now picking up his phone, wanting to see just how many times she had tried to reach him exactly. He also found several text messages, then tossed his phone onto the passenger's seat, sighing heavily. Of course he hated ignoring her, he also was sure she was crying and crazy worried, but she had to know that he wasn't going to be played. 

The reason why Lindsey was mad mostly, wasn't that Stevie ruined the evening he had planned for them, but because his divorce was finalized and he couldn't wait to tell her, knowing how happy she would have been by the news. Also, he may or may not had considered asking her to marry him...

Since Lindsey left the house before Stevie could catch him, he was driving around, with the radio on, hoping the music would be louder than his thoughts. Although, he wasn't as lucky. He couldn't stop thinking whether Stevie was spending so much time with Michael just because she cared about him or was there something more? She would spend hours over at his house, the house that not so long ago was theirs. Didn't she claim they had nothing to talk about anymore, that she wasn't interested in him, that's why she left him? Then what changed? How all of a sudden he became such a wonderful companion?

It was after midnight by now. Knowing himself, Lindsey knew wasn't going to be able to sit still or fall asleep if he were to come home or the condo, which he first rented, but ended up buying. Turning the engine of the car on, he stepped on the gas pedal, soon finding himself at Michael's. 

Seeing the lights out, Lindsey questioned his actions once more, but... He opened the door and climbed out. He knew Gabi and Maria were there and he hated the thought of waking them up. It took a few minutes before he heard the door being unlocked, as Michael appeared, standing with a frown on his face. Opening the door wider, he got outside, staring at Lindsey, firstly, of course, thinking that something happened to Stevie.

"I'm sorry I came at this hour, but I need to know." Lindsey said, running a hand through his hair, as he exhaled deeply.

"What might be so important that it couldn't wait until morning?"

"Is there..." Lindsey hated to even think about it. "... is there something going on between you and Stevie? These visits and her not being the least bit interested in me since your accident, are making me... well, kind of paranoid that you two are sleeping together or something."

"I can assure you nothing is happening between us. She simply has a heart of gold. Stevie told me that she doesn't want to leave me alone, when I obviously need someone to help me out. She insisted on being that person, because of our history and all that. I know I probably should have been more strict about it, telling her no, but... you know Stevie and you know it's easier to go along with her."

Processing it all, Lindsey calmed down only a tiny bit, sticking his hands into his pockets as he looked up from the ground. "So, nothing. There's nothing?" Michael had been an honest man his whole life, he was never good at lying and he had to have had a certain expression on his face, which made Lindsey question him. "Please, be honest. I want to know. I love her more than anything and I want to commit to her, but if she keeps coming back to you, then..."

"We kissed. Once, after the accident."

"How is that nothing?"

"It didn't mean anything, okay? I was thankful, we said some things to each other, we got caught up in the moment..."

"Who kissed who?"


"Answer me damn it!" 

Even if it was partially true, Michael said... "I kissed Stevie."

Taking a minute, Lindsey continued. "You got divorced. You are no longer together. There was a reason why it happened. You have to let her go, you have to let her move on."

Despite the fact it was Stevie who kept on coming back, Michael chose to alter the truth, for all of their sake. "I know and I intend to. Besides, once she sees I'm fully healed, there will be no reason for her to keep visiting anyway. And I am trying to let her go from my heart, but it's not that easy. I'm sure you understand, too. Didn't you leave your our wife for Stevie?" Not really wanting any answer, Michael added. "If that is all, I'll be going back inside."

Nodding his head, Lindsey sighed. "Yeah, that's all. I just hope you're being honest."

Wanting to, but knowing he shouldn't just yet, Lindsey decided to spend the night at his condo. Stevie had always had a way of working him, getting him to do whatever she wanted, but if they really were going to be together now, she had to understand he wasn't going to let her win so easily. It wasn't about their beloved power play, he simply wanted her to know that he mattered in this relationship too, that he could be hurt as well as she.

Once he had driven to his condo, Lindsey took out his phone, knowing he had to calm Stevie down. There was no way she would be sleeping already, after those fifteen or so unanswered calls.

"Lindsey!" He heard her on the other end. "Where are you? Are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine, Steph. You don't have to worry."

"I'm so sorry about tonight, about what you had planned for us."

As if he didn't hear her, Lindsey said... "I won't be coming home tonight. I need some time to think. Don't get alarmed, though, I'm not breaking up with you, just..."

Swallowing uneasily, Stevie knew she couldn't object. "Well, if it's what you want. But know that I'm waiting for you."

"I know. I know that."

"I love you, Lindsey."

"And I love you."

Hearing those words instantly made her feel relieved.

"Goodnight then, I guess."

"Yeah, I'll see you... tomorrow maybe." Lindsey then hung up, going straight for the bed.

Stevie knew she screwed up, but it didn't seem to be as horrible as she had previously thought. They were still together, he still loved her. She was determined to fix this.

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